Friday, April 1, 2011

Totalitarianism, Technology & Today

Stalin, Hitler, & Mussolini were able to become totalitarian rulers because the technology of their time allowed for quick, efficient dissemination of information & propaganda.  They controlled what information the public received even to the point of rewriting history and controlling what students were taught.  Given that the technology of today is now considered 'real-time' do you think that a ruler could control information in the way that Stalin, Hitler, & Mussolini did 80-90 years ago, or is the world so connected that one could not have complete control of the information superhighway?


  1. I think that the only way someone would have control of information would be to shut down the entire internet, which by the way is not impossible but very difficult. Also they would have to burn many books because if the internet is gone then people would still be able to write thus the need to burn books and anything else that people could write on. Even then though people would still find a way to communicate to others the right information.

  2. I won't pretend as though I know the extreme depths of technology today, because I definitely do not. Nonetheless, I'm aware of its basics and that it can do almost unimaginable things. It was exceedingly more simple for Hitler and Stalin to control information the way they did than it would have been for them to attempt such a thing now. In complex societies such as the United States, Western Europe, China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea it would be extremely difficult for anyone to gain the power to control the flow of information because that person would have to have a lot of people on his or her side. However, I wouldn't say it's impossible, because close to nothing is impossible.

  3. In today society, I believe that it would be hard to become a ruler like Hitler & Stalin did because it would be hard to get all those people on their side. The reason is because we are actually well educated and the technology now will inform us of the things people are trying to do and then we crush them. So it would be hard to try to be a ruler like Stalin & Hitler.

  4. I think that there's always a way for something to be hidden from the world, but I think it would be very hard to accomplish it. Information now-a-days gets out to people even when there is no intention of it. Its like a group of friends. When you tell a secret to somebody, they either keep it to themselves but more than likely they will just tell somebody else about it and the word gets out. It's hard to know who is actually keeping your secrets and whose pretending to be on your side but is actually going to go behind your back. I think that even if there are secrets that certain leaders are hiding, somebody will have a good idea about what is happening and will try to convince people about it but nobody will listen because the leader will cover up his story with false facts. So I think there's a way but it would be extremely difficult.

  5. Diana,
    I agree that it would be really difficult. Good post!

    Thats a great point! It would be possible if the internet was, indeed, shut down!!! THATS so RIGHT!! good post and great point!

  6. The way most are connected and most societies are technologically advanced it would be very hard for a ruler to control all the information like Hitler and Stalin did. Maybe they would be able to gain complete control over a nation that lives in poverty and control the information in that area but eventually word of what was happening would spread, and they would be stopped. Much of today's society is educated and our advancements in technology enable information to spread quickly and pretty efficiently so no i don't think someone would be able to have complete control over the information superhighway.

  7. Olivia-- I agree with your post, i guess not much is impossible.

    Diana-- I like your post and the point you made about most of today's people being educated unlike how it was back then when people were pretty much brainwashed and only learned one side of things.

  8. Stalin and Hitler (especially Stalin) were able to mislead the public to an extent of literally rewriting history. Aspiring evil dictators today are not so lucky. Today, not only is communication literally as easy as the click of a button, but the entire press industry is way huger than that of Stalin and Hitler's time. That doesn't go to say that we know absolutely everything that our government does. I do believe that there are a lot of things that we may not have been told or things we have been told may have been sugarcoated. However, I believe it's basically impossible to "rewrite" history the way that Stalin and Hitler did. For example, if there was anything that you would think politicians would like to hide from the public, it would be sex scandals. However, Clinton as well as many other politicians were not able to keep this information secret. As much as our government would like to keep things such as the whole white-supremecy leaders thing and Japanese internment camps forgotten and left our of our textbooks, they don't attempt to "rewrite" what actually happened. Do I think it's possible for our government to hide information from us or even change it slightly? Yes. But to the extent as in the time of Hitler and Stalin? No.

  9. In my opinion a ruler might be be able to control information the way Hitler and Stalin did, up to a certain point. The only way a ruler could control information is if he/ she went as far as isolating the country from the rest of the world. And prime example of this is North Korea. The country's dictator Kim Jong-Il forces his people to believe that North Korea is the greatest country on Earth. Of course, current economic conditions in the country prove otherwise. In 2004, cell phones in North Korea were banned. Radio and TV sets are pre-tuned to receive government-friendly propaganda. Also, Internet access is very limited. I think the only reason the dictator of the country has managed to keep control of all information, is because the country has been isolated from the rest of the world since 1948 (when his father Kim Il-Sung was lead) way before technological advances such as the Internet were present. Technology is something in life that is constantly changing and people are keeping up with its changes. In countries that are so technologically advanced such as The United States and China, it would essentially nearly impossible for a ruler in today's time to successfully control all, if any, information in the way that Stalin and Hitler did in their time. In a sense, people know too much to be tricked into letting leaders control what information they should know.

  10. Teresita
    - I would have to say that I kind of disagree with your post. While shutting down the internet may prevent people from getting immediate access to information, it doesn't necessarily stop propaganda. Also, the White House has its own press, so I really don't think it would be that hard for the government to control what is being published, and what they don't won't people to see. Internet is huge, but so are magazines, newspapers, and television, and to a much larger scale than that of Hitler and Stalin's time. Nice post (:

    -I agree with you when you say that there probably are things out there that we do not know. I also agree with what you mean about how secrets get out and it's hard to keep anything quiet--and technology makes it even harder. Good Job :)

  11. Diana- I agree with your post, kind of. It was nice and to the point. Great Job!

    Zulema- I liked your post. You used great examples to get your point across. Great job!

  12. Here goes my attempt even though I wasn't in class the whole week! Attempting to control all the information in the world or recreating the control that hitler and stalin had over the people is to the closest extent impossible to achieve. Information now a days are spread through a large variety of ways. For example for one to really gain control a "good portion" of all the information that exists is to control the internet which is a lot harder than you think. Next you have of course snail mail and the books that still exists in libraries. Also unlike then, the majority of people now own cell phones which can also spread information and keep people connected. As for when it comes to the things of keeping secrets we all know our government has an extremely hard time making sure it stays a secret. If there is some information that they don't want people to know about like being able to save money than they can make it happen so we don't find out about it. Other than this new technology there are some old ways of communication that are used to this day. The television causes mass propaganda which can influence many people from a large variety of age groups. Is it difficult to control information? Only to a certain point but when it comes to controlling information just like Stalin and Hitler than it is impossible to become totalitarists.

  13. I think that a ruler would not be able to control information in the way that Hitler and Stalin did 80 years ago but there could be a possibility due to the fact that if they were the ruler they could control what they want and have all the technology at their hands.

  14. I think Hitler and Stalin were lucky for being rulers at that time. Reason being was that the information people usually received were from something tangible; books, newspapers, letters, etc. All of these things can easily get destroyed in other words burnt. After things are burnt there are no facts to say those things existed. Which is why Hitler and Stalin were successful they controlled what the people knew. With today’s technology I doubt Hitler and Stalin would have had the power that they had. With computers phones and TV’s there are so many things that can be saved on pin drives and memory discs which would be hard to get rid of. I just think that with satellites and memory software everywhere past totalitarians would have lots of difficulty.

  15. Zulema- I agree it would be too difficult for people to rule with this technology especially when its in many persons daily routine.

    Estefania- I really like the example you gave it shows that it is very possible for somebody to rule with todays technology. Although North Korea was isolated like you said.

  16. I think it would be difficult to control information the way Hitler and Stalin today because technology is so intense. You can't just make stuff up to get what you want or trick people the way that they did. However, internet wouldn't just be used, but so would televisions, radios, etc. It would be like good gossip. If people found out what they were trying to do it would be all over everywhere.

  17. Irma,
    your post was short but it makes sense. It would be very difficult. I like how your post was so straight forward that it didn't need and explanation.

    your post is very true. Many people are aware of technology stuff and that would make it harder. Good post.

  18. I personally think that the technology of today does not allow any person to become a totalitarian for many reasons. Lately the people of the world have been trying to take power such as the Libyans and Egyptians. At the point of Hitler and Stalin people did what ever they were told and that was in a form a fear. There is too much information that one person just can't control in these days. For example if one person gathers a bunch of people and fights for what they believe in the ruler can't control whether they stick up or not. In Hitler's case he had supreme power in that he and actually Stalin as well told the people what they wanted to hear. This allowed some people to go along with what they believe in. So in general I say that with today's society no person can have supreme control over the information superhighway.

  19. Olivia-- I agree with you in the fact that you said, it would be a hard for a country to control all the information but if a ruler had all the key components of technology closed off then it would be possible. Good post!

    Stefani: I really enjoyed your post and I thought your example of how a ruler can cut off communication was excellent. I think it's very realistic with your example to realize how a country could be closed off from the world if the ruler wanted them to be. I enjoyed your thoughts and I thought your opinion was correct as well!

  20. In today's world, I think it would be very difficult for a ruler to control the communication throughout the country and to stop the technology from developing around what the ruler wants when they tried putting a stop to it. However, I think that ruler's have so much power that they could shut down all means of communication to other countries if they had enough people working underneath of them. I think that the world is so connected that if a ruler wanted to stop communication, they would have to get rid of all the people who are technologically advanced because these people would try to devise a way to view the outside countries. I think it would be interesting because the United States is such an advanced country and there are so many means of communication.

  21. I think that everyone is too connected and technologically aware to have any one person control communication. Even now government's can't control every single aspect of the way in which information is spread. There are just too many different ways in which we communicate nowadays as compared to what they had during Stalin and Hitler's time. Not only are there better means of communication, but we are more connected with everyone around the world. That doesn't mean that we know and talk to people from other countries all the time it simply means that the capability to do so is there. If riots can be organized via facebook fan pages, imagine the hard time an individual would have to try and control all communication. As of now, it's not possible.

  22. Madi-- I agree with the point you made about if anyone tried to control people, it'd be good gossip and everyone else would know. I think that that's one of the biggest reasons why back then Hitler and Stalin were able to get control.

    Laura-- I really liked the point you made about things being tangible and written down back in those days. It was easier for Stalin and Hitler to take control because they simply just burned everything. It's different now because there are so many different ways to store information.

  23. Hitler and Stalin had very little technology to control in there day. They could get what they wanted through posters, newspapers, and radio. People could easily be manipulated into whatever it is the government wanted. On the other hand, this would not be very easily done in this day in age. People have easy access to information. Yet, I do think that is possible to twist information online and definitely on television. For example, America was in an uproar over the oil spill. However that television stopped broadcasting any news about it. Now, not many America’s rage has dimmed and all put evaporated for this disaster. I think it is quite possible to cause panic and an emotional reaction purely from the media. As for a new-age dictator trying to pull a Hitler and Stalin, I highly doubt that’s possible. With the exception of North Korea; a dictator would be hard pressed to manipulate their people, especially with the convenience of the Internet.

  24. Deep- I think you are right. Sometimes people follow what the government tells them to do purely out of fear.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Teresita- Although I agree that the internet can be shutdown. I do not think this would be completely effective to stop people from communicating. Total control through killing the internet is impossible in my opinion.

  27. Diana, I agree with you that today it would be hard to get people on their side because now there are many published book and online resources for people to get informed. Also there are newspapers and t.v. news so people can follow what is going on around the world.

  28. Teresita--
    I liked your post because you made good points about how if they tried so hard to eliminate the resources, people would still try to find a way to communicate. They would probably text more. :)

    You stated your points very well. It would be hard to try to take over. I also liked how you said it would be like gossip and stuff.

  29. Madi- I agree technology today is very advanced. I agree that the technology can be used to inform the people very well. Good Job.

    Irma- I also agree that a ruler would not be able to control information like Hitler and Stalin did. I think that a little more support would be helpful but, good job overall.

  30. In today's society, i think it would be difficult for someone to be a ruler like Stalin & Hitler were. Even though technology helped them 80 years ago, today technology might be against anyone trying to come to power like them. Back then, people were not as well educated as we are today. There is way more advanced technology and starting from a young age, we are educated to be able to understand the new technology that has appeared. In today's world it would definitely be hard to become a ruler like Hitler & Stalin and also be hard to completely control the information superhighway.

  31. Zulema- I definitely agree with your post. A ruler could probably only gain complete control of an area of poverty. Good Job!

    Diana- You are right. We are very well educated now with new technology.

  32. Controlling the way people communicate today is extremely difficult if not impossible. When we examine what means of communication we have today, it is a very extensive list and certainly more than what Stalin and Hitler had in their time. We have television, movies, newspapers, books, magazines and the evergrowing internet but even if leaders were to attempt to control these they would fail because of how much access we have to all these things today. In the past, not many people had the control over what went on books, what was filmed on movies, or what was broadcast over radio. Although normal people like ourselves aren't exactly armed with this privilege either, we still have the internet which enables us to post blogs (such as this one), or make videos and webcasts. People today use an overwhelming amount of technology from phones, to the internet to periodicals which would make it impossible to have a complete control over technology today.

  33. Well I had something very long that I had written out like super long, and it was a first time in a long time where I go somewhere with something writing about. The reason you won't get to read it is because the Mac erased it from here so I'll just paraphrase it. A government can use technology to control only it's country not the world. The United States seeing how technologically advanced we are can use technology to help us take over a spot but we have to use not just technology but a lot more. It's not impossible to take complete control, but it'll sure be hard to accomplish it!

  34. HAHAHAHA this made me laugh hardcore. I mean, there will always be secrets, but its freaking hard to control what people find out and stuff. With todays media, technology and stuff itd be nearly impossible to control what leaks out. Hitler and Stalin could achieve it back then because well, technology was not that great yet obviously. They also were more intimidating. In the case of North Korea though, that guy what ever his face is knows what hes doing. Hes doing work over there, his people are like brain washed man. Hes hardcore, id be scared. For all we know, North Koreans prob. think that we're a bunch of douche bag Americans (some of us are but not all of us). He prob. controls the way info is put out, just to make himself and their country look super cool and the rest of the world super lame. Ig theres one example of hardcoreness, but other than that i cant really think of any. Todays technology is just way too hardcore, like to keep a secret. We're a bunch of people who love gossip. Eventually if somebody tried to control the flow of ideas or guatever, there'd be someway of still getting the info out there because of todays technology.

  35. Carlos,
    Dont lie bro!!! hahahaha jk man. But yea the U.S is hardcore in technology. Its nearly impossible to take over and such.

    Youre when you say its almost impossible to control thoughts and ideas. We so many things like Books, t.v, radio, computers, and stuff like that. Its hardcore hard to do such a thing.

  36. I honestly must say that for anyone who wants to have total control for our time, that it would be nearly impossible. Actually, considering the technology that we have today, I would have to say that Hitler and Stalin are pretty fortunate to have been rulers during that time period. Now, with our technology and everything, I just have to say that it would really take someone very intelligent to pull it off. Not only that, they would obviously have to have links, hook-ups, to make this possible. With the internet and memory cards, or just anything that could save memory, including videos or even a voice-recording, I just find this impossible for anyone to be able to destroy evidence of anything, like Stalin did.

  37. Hugo- I agree Hugo, unlike how it was during Hitler's or Stalin's time, people now have access to the internet and find almost any kind of information and with the usage of cellphones, it will be quite hard to "erase" something from history.

    Carlos- In a way, I agree. Taking full control is possible...but then again, I just don't see it happening. Like I said in my post, with the technology that we have today, I don't see it happening. I mean, it could in maybe a lesser country. But the complete control, just not going to happen.

  38. Sergio,
    If i wasn't required to elaborate my reasoning as to why this post is so awesome, I simply would have put "I love this". Nevertheless, I like your post because its the plain truth. And "that guy whatever his face is" from North Korea is a perfect example that it is sort of possible to somewhat control the flow of information.

    As far as trying to erase history, you're completely right. It's very close to impossible. In addition, I agree that Stalin and Hitler were fortunate to rule when they did; however, I think we are fortunate as well. Who knows if their genius would have been able how to use the technology we have today for their horrible purpose.

  39. I believe that the world is now too connected for information to be completely controlled. Other countries have much easier access to a country's information, so chances are, even if the country had complete control over their own information, people would still be able to have access to information that the gov't doesn't want them to have. I believe outside sources would help prevent total isolation of a country in terms of its information.

  40. Franklin - I totally agree. Trying to completely erase history is pretty much impossible at this point. Stalin and Hitler took advantage of their times, and that allowed them to rule the way they did.

    Sergio - I agree that North Korea has an extreme amount of control, but things are still leaking through. It takes years sometimes, and is extremely difficult to spread, however, things still do get through and are revealed to the outside world.

  41. Teresita - For the most part I agree with your post. I do think that shutting down the entire Internet (I don't know if it's possible to do it for the entire world at the SAME TIME) and burning books would be a big factor in controlling information. However, I don't think those are the only methods in controlling information. You have to keep in mind that these days the a lot of countries in the world are very technology-advanced. Good thoughts though.

    Franklin - You had really good points in your post. After thinking about it, Hitler and Stalin were really fortunate to have been rulers when they were and have the ability to control information. In this day in age...I strongly doubt they'd be as successful because of different forms of communicating information, like you said.

  42. Diana- Well we're well educated but who knows if what we see on the news is actually a fake. In some countries a person is educated based on government learning. Like Stalin made himself look more grand than he truly was so he changed history and education.

    Kelli- I agree with the fact that another country can take control of another country's information

  43. Pez,
    You remind us of something that I, as well as a few of our other classmates, have forgotten. North Korea's media & means of communication are controlled by Kim Jong-Il. I had forgotten of this until now, however, you do a good job of explaining that the only way that North Korea is this isolated is because it has been so for a long time which has prevented it from advancing like the rest of the world has. If other countries had been isolated since before communication technology had started to advance, maybe other countries would be the same.

    Yes, Hitler & Stalin were lucky for having come to power when they did. You remind us of the popular Nazi book burnings. They did this to censor the country from what information they did not approve of which was often information that put them in danger. As you say, we have new ways to store information and even satellites make it hard to control what information is received.

  44. I think that it would be very difficult for a leader/ruler to take over, like how Stalin and Hitler had done. Cause people are more educated, than 60 years ago. Technology would also play a big factor cause people are able to spread ideas quickly and it would be very difficult to slow that process down without a revolt or like an uprising. I think that a revolt that would be close cause no person wants a government that Stalin and Hitler ran and all the people that they killed. So I think that it would be very hard for a leader to pull something off like this.

  45. Sergio,

    I totally agree with your post cause with the media and stuff like that. Ha but good post tho.


    Good post, I agree with how you said that it would be hard for a ruler to rule with people more educated and the technology that we have now.

  46. Hitler and Stalin had little technology compared to what we have. In their time of course that was a lot of technology. Today though I doubt people would be able to do that. Back then it was only certain people who knew how to use the technology to their advantage and few knew about it. Today many people knew that technology is used to manipulate people and therefore it would be difficult to have complete control unless it was a smaller country with less advanced technology. They may have some control but there are many geniuses out there today that it would be almost impossible.

  47. Teresita,
    Yes they would have to turn down the internet but by the time they were almost done other people would find a way to turn it back on. You make a good point it would be hard because now that people know how to read and write and have all this technology its not that difficult to find a way to communicate what they want.

    I agree with you. Our technology is too advanced for someone to have complete control. If they were to have control it would have to be a group of the world geniuses with help from others to do the "dirty work" or destroy unnecessary information. If Stalin or Hitler were alive today I think even they would have trouble doing this. During that time they were able to because most people just went along with what they were being told.

  48. Franklin,
    I must say you put a very good point. Technology these days have advanced extremely far and in order to have complete control one would have to be able to bypass all of the security systems and also would have to be able to do this without being detected. Also all of history doesn't exists in just technology because also the people retain the history they are taught and these days would not be persuaded to go along with absurd ideas so easily. Good post.

    You make a good point when you state that far too many people are aware of how to use the technology today unlike the technology that existed back then and the number of people who were able to control it. In reality someone can only control under developed countries when it comes to bringing advanced technology but still in reality they would not have complete control. Good Post.


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