Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Purpose of War

What is the purpose of war?  How had WWI changed the attitudes & perceptions of war?  How is war viewed today?  Where do you stand when it comes to war?


  1. War is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state. The Prussian military theorist Clausewitz (1780-1831) "War is the continuation of policy (politics) by other means". Obviously, war is an attempt by one country (or side, in a civil war) to impose its will on another. World War I had changed a lot of views towards war itself. People of the victim countries, were paranoid and exhausted of the war. The Treaty was imposed to prevent wars and conflict. War today is viewed really in two groups the peacemakers and the War Goers. Either you are for war or aren’t, it’s pretty simple but today people want to be out of war. Prices sore and are used to fund war were until the country enters a depression state. Well I see war as if it’s needed to protect my home, family, and others. Then yes, but not for the purpose to just shed another man’s blood.

  2. I believe that the purpose of war is to intimidate other countries and to protect that country from being invaded from other countries. It is also used for one country to gain land or other resources. WWI changed the perceptions and attitudes of war because before they were to do it for their country. Then afterward people just got tired of the bloodshed. Some people think that when someone goes to war it is great because they are doing it for their country and then others think that war is something that shouldn't even happen. I believe that war is not the way to solve anything at all. I am totally against war.

  3. I think the purpose of war it to get something someone doesn't have, such as land, or to prove a point, such as "you don't want to mess with us because we will do something about it." WWI changed the attitudes and perceptions of war by the new weapons and using trenches. It obviously was kind of pointless and after the war, countries, such as the United States, wanted to keep out of war after WWI. I don't really think the views on war have ever or are ever going to change. We go into thinking that we're going to help someone, and I don't really know much about politics, but it never really seems like we do anything that impacts stuff a whole lot without causing other problems. I'm not a hippie, but I do think that everyone should get along and be peaceful. However I am realistic and I know that will never happen, so I guess war is war. I'd rather not have it but I feel like we should use our troops in meaningless fights, that it should be something worth fighting for.

  4. I believe that the purpose of the war is to prove that one country is more superior then the others. They do not have to listen to anybody else. If they had an alliance with any country they will back it up in any case. If war happens then it will happen. In Germany's case they wanted to gain land and be in a war. In Austria's case it was because one of their future leaders was killed. In Russia's case it was to protect Bosnia. So because of the Alliance system both Germany and Russia had to get involved along with Great Britain, France, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire. Further causing a World War. The views of war were changed. No country wanted to be involved in war. They all wanted to stay peaceful. The only country that really wanted to fight was Germany because they had all the blame put on them. This fueled later disasters. In a presidential stand point war is used as an option in many ways. If the US doesn't like the way something is going they try to go fix it causing a chance of a war. I don't really like war unless very necessary. I say unless they start a battle don't get involved in others countries issues. For example because of Pearl Harbor the US went to war with Japan. If the US just doesn't like what is happening they shouldn't go in and start a war. It's like if I'm not your business then why are you getting into mine. Overall I don't think war should be an option all the times.

  5. I think that the purpose of war is to settle disagreements between opposing sides. War is fought because there isn't any other way to settle a dispute and the different sides believe going to war is the only way they can fight for what they want. War is apart of life because selfishness and greed are two characteristics that were instilled in humans. Because of these two characteristics, people want what's best for them and to get what they want they declare war. WWI changed war because of the technological advances and tactics of war. WWI resulted in new alliances forming. Because of the alliance system, now countries have to realize that when they go to war against one country, they must fight all the countries who agree with or are alliances with their opponent. Today, war is viewed as still an ugly thing because lives are lost and sometimes war isn't necessary in the eyes of everyone. However, I think that war is apart of life. I wish there were better ways for differences to be solved but that will only happen when everyone in the world is happy and satisfied, however, the characteristics of greed and selfishness will always come into play and world peace isn't evident in the future.

  6. I believe the purpose of war is to fight for a reason. For example, to gain freedom from others. World War I changed the perceptions of war because new weapons were invented, mustard gas was used to kill the opposing side. Since Mustard Gas was used, the gas mask was invented to help protect the soldiers. After World War I, countries forced army to be stronger and more well built. Today war is a sign of "helping" by this I mean war is supposed to solve everything when in reality is not the solution. I stand in with the people that say war is just pointless because no one will gain everything they wished for when they started the war.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The purpose of war is to make one's country the 'best.' Being the best includes aspects such as having the most land, owning more resources, having a better military, and basically being better in every way possible. One side will see something that they want, and then they'll come up with reasons that they deem 'acceptable' in order to justify going to war. WWI changed the attitudes and perceptions about war through the new weapons that were invented. With these more powerful weapons, battle scenes became pretty graphic to say the least. Also, it had been a while since any Americans had really experienced a war in their lifetime, so all they had to go on about what war was like was stories and documentaries passed down through literature. Today war is viewed as either being necessary or unnecessary depending on the individual's opinion. I view war as something that I don't agree with, yet I understand that sometimes war is necessary.

  9. The purpose of war is to gain something that was not possessed in the first place, or to fight to keep the possession of something. When I say "something", I mean anything such as land, resources, peace, safety, etc. The way in which I believe WWI changed the attitudes and perceptions of war at that time, was the fact that war became a way of life for most. Yes war had definitely existed before, but not in such a manner that it was too terribly normal for it to be occurring. I think that that idea has actually stuck with the world today. I may say this because I live in the United States, my father was in the national guard, and we've had troops stationed in nations for a long time, but I'll say it nonetheless. Following WWI was WWII; following WWII was the Cold War; next came the Vietnam, just to name a few. Consider where we are in this day and age: at war. I understand the necessity of war, and I can accept that as long as it truly is necessary. Like I mentioned before, war is normal, and it has become a way of life.

  10. I feel that the purpose of war is to obtain what you want to obtain from other countries. Most wars are about what I just said, but if we take a look at some of the U.S. wars, our views may be different. A few years ago, we went to war with Iraq when we insisted on helping their people to become a better country and eliminate any rulers or followers who were trying to cause harm the rest of the people. War's meaning has possibly changed because now countries have gone to war to fix a government. At the same time we only want to help so we can still be satisfied and receive the things we want and need from their country or allies of that country, just like in Libya. WWI made people exhausted from war. No one wanted to experience a time like that again, so countries would use their power to avoid involving themselves in another world war. Sometimes I wonder if countries don't mind going to war because they know that if they team up they can each get a share of what they want. No one wants war, yet everyone wants war. I definitely don't like war, but I am aware of the fact that all things can't come together in a peaceful way. I feel like there will always be war among us. And everyone knows how that song goes "War! What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!" :)

  11. Madi-- I agree with your points and what you're opinions are about war. I don't think that war should be done for meaningless reasons either. I think that lives are too precious to be ended for a bad cause. Good post.

    Teresita -- I see where you're coming from with your opinions, however, I don't think that world peace is going to happen anytime soon. I wish war wouldn't happen either but I think that force is the only realistic way in today's world to get nation beliefs and posts across.

  12. I think the purpose of war is for a country to gain control of a territory in order to protect their country from being destroyed or taken over by other countries. Many attitudes and perceptions changed from WWI. Families were torn apart because they lost their loved ones. People realized how bad war was and how horrifying it was. For those who weren't directly in the war, they experienced what it was like to have little money and food to feed their family. There are many people who are for the war and those who are opposed to it. I think that when a country realizes how much "in danger" they are, they are supportive of the war. Of course nobody likes the fact of war that people kill people and some of those people who are killed might be innocent. I'm not opposed to war. I think it's a good thing that we are fighting to protect our country. I mean, where on earth would this country be if we weren't standing up and protecting us from other people?! Probably not in a good place. This is just my personal opinion. :)

  13. Diana- What reasons though? You were a little broad on your post. I agree that we shouldn't have wars. Nice Job!

    Madi- What do you mean war is just war? So is it like "oh a bunch of people died in war, oh well."? What do you mean? We can change. War can become obsolete. Good Job though!

  14. What is the purpose of war? There can be many things that cause a war, but usually it’s when a nation or country wants something, or more of it. For example, recently Obama has declared war on Libya for the matter that their government is corrupt. The united states wants Libya to come to an understanding. In other instances, Germany wanted more land so they wanted a war to start in order to achieve what it wanted. War is sometimes they only way to get things done and get what is needed in countries whether its peace, land, food, or money.

  15. Keyli,
    Your first sentence was awesome! Basically everything i felt only you put it into better words so good job! I also like some of the facts that you said.

    I liked what you said about countries going to war because they want to be the best. That's a very good point that I didn't think about and I agree. Good Job!

  16. The purpose of war is to create peace or defend peace between opposing forces. How ironic is it that, that numerous people must die to achieve this peace. War is used some what as a last resort when no other means of creating peace have worked, war enables the winning side to forcefully impose their beliefs, which in turn creates "peace." WWI, also known as the Great War, changed the perceptions of war. Because after this war a great amount of lives were lost and countries were in poverty, many were starving and were being greatly effected as a result of the war that it was seen as a horrible thing and the last thing anyone wanted was to go into another war. War today is viewed in the same manner by some, they find it unnecessary, while others are all for it. When it comes to war I believe that some times it just needs to be done and you've got to do what you've got to do. For example after the September 11 attacks if the United States wouldn't have gone to war in Iraq we would have appeared incompetent and weak.

  17. Olivia- I like your post I totally didn't even think of "fighting in order to keep something that is already possessed" me gusta. Also the whole fighting for something they don't possess is true.

    K-dawg- I agree that war is a way to make a country the best or "superior." I think many countries actually follow that and use war in order to be the best.

  18. The purpose of war is basically for countries or nations to get what they want. Often it relates back to the idea of imperialism. Countries want land and resources and are willing to go to war to get them, and once they have them, they are willing to go to war to protect them. There are times when war is supposedly about a foreign army stopping the mistreatment of people within the country by a person or group within that said country. In reality, there is probably an underlying cause that has to do with resources, such as oil. Going into WWI, most countries thought that it would be an end to the fighting, and would solve the world’s problems. Obviously “The Great War” was not the last war ever fought, and it left most countries exhausted and broke. In my opinion, war is inhumane and stupid. I understand having a defensive military when it comes protecting your country from foreign attacks, but to waste so much money on the military to fight overseas seems pointless. And, in my opinion, if we are to get involved in other countries’ issues, we should do it from the beginning and end it, instead of when it’s convenient for us because we want their oil. Maybe we should use the Japanese as an example. After WWII, Japan was banned from having an offensive military, and they are better educated and have a longer life expectancy than most other nations in the world. If we would put the money spent on military into our education and healthcare, maybe we wouldn’t have the lowest math and science scores out of any other leading-economy country in the world. Just saying…

  19. Teresita,
    Although I'm not totally sure what you mean when you say "intimidate", if you mean that the purpose of war is to scare other country for the sole means to scare them, I'll add that few to no people desire a state of war in their country, so if a country is intimidating another country they are probably doing so in order get something out of that intimidation. Also, I too think that people were tired of the violence associated with the war, but eventually got used to it. However, you mentioned that people think war is great because they're doing for their country. I doubt that many people think war is even close to great, the fact that a country is protecting themselves by means of a war may be great, but the war itself is probably not the "great aspect". Interesting thoughts!

    I like what you have to say about the purpose of war because it really does seem to be that way. Yet, I can't totally agree that anyone would go to war just to prove a point, I imagine they'd have to be "messed with" first, but I think that's what you mean. I also agree that views on war have not very much since WWI. In addition, I can honestly say that I totally forgot about other countries helping the countries that are involved in war until you mentioned it. It doesn't change anything I said but still good job! Lastly, war is war. Well said Mari Madison :)

  20. Deep-- I agree that the purpose of war is to make one's country superior to others. Germany felt inferior and wanted more land and be an empire like everyone else.

    Keyli-- I liked how you sort of stated that there are multiple reasons for going to war. The U.S. goes to war to help fix a government, but it's not only that, it's the resources that we want and and would most likely get if we 'helped' out a country.

  21. What is the purpose of War??? Well there can be many purposes depending on the situation. Usually though, War is needed because something has gone wrong or isn't being done. Sometimes countries go to war over land, money, resources. See the thing is these things are very closely related. WWI changed everything because well, people found out that war sucks. With heavy casualties, it kind of sickened some people. Noticed how i said "some". For others WWI changed everything. With technology making more proficient guns, artillery, cannons etc. War became pretty legit. The ideas of battling like Napoleon soon were left behind and kind of forgotten. With this new idea of war, there would be more bloodshed. And if blood was not shed, it would be hell for those who were still alive. War today still has several POV's. Some people say its necessary, others ask why the U.S has to become involved in other peoples business. I think its because the U.S wants to be on good terms with a lot of other countries. The U.S depends on other countries resources, because i mean es obvio that we wont survive on our own Natural oil. Well thats my view. Sometimes though, i think the whole idea of fighting back is necessary because that way we can show the world that the U.S is one country you dont f@&! with. When it comes to my opinion on war, i think that in some instances it is truly necessary. Im one of those guys that would LOVE to serve my country and get sent overseas. But sometimes your dreams get crushed. So other brave people do the work that gives us our liberty. So if we have to go to war to maintain this liberty, then heck go to war. Of course, if there were better ways to achieve what we wanted or needed with out having to go to war, that'd be awesome. If there were better ways to defend people, other countries, heck that'd be awesome too! But as humans we will always have the desire of wanting something that isn't ours. And as long as that stays, war will never go away. Eventually, people would have to live and cope with the fact that wars will always be around, even if we dont like it.

  22. What is the purpose of War??? Well there can be many purposes depending on the situation. Usually though, War is needed because something has gone wrong or isn't being done. Sometimes countries go to war over land, money, resources. See the thing is these things are very closely related. WWI changed everything because well, people found out that war sucks. With heavy casualties, it kind of sickened some people. Noticed how i said "some". For others WWI changed everything. With technology making more proficient guns, artillery, cannons etc. War became pretty legit. The ideas of battling like Napoleon soon were left behind and kind of forgotten. With this new idea of war, there would be more bloodshed. And if blood was not shed, it would be hell for those who were still alive. War today still has several POV's. Some people say its necessary, others ask why the U.S has to become involved in other peoples business. I think its because the U.S wants to be on good terms with a lot of other countries. The U.S depends on other countries resources, because i mean es obvio that we wont survive on our own Natural oil. Well thats my view. Sometimes though, i think the whole idea of fighting back is necessary because that way we can show the world that the U.S is one country you dont f@&! with. When it comes to my opinion on war, i think that in some instances it is truly necessary. Im one of those guys that would LOVE to serve my country and get sent overseas. But sometimes your dreams get crushed. So other brave people do the work that gives us our liberty. So if we have to go to war to maintain this liberty, then heck go to war. Of course, if there were better ways to achieve what we wanted or needed with out having to go to war, that'd be awesome. If there were better ways to defend people, other countries, heck that'd be awesome too! But as humans we will always have the desire of wanting something that isn't ours. And as long as that stays, war will never go away. Eventually, people would have to live and cope with the fact that wars will always be around, even if we dont like it.

  23. Diana,
    I like your post and agree with most of your points. However, sometimes I feel like we don't fight for a good reason. I too feel like war today has a lot to do with helping, but sometimes I do think we need to keep to ourselves and not send our troops over for meaningless reasons.

    I agree with your post. After WWI it did seem like everyone was kind of like, "let's not do this unless we really, really need too." I'm not totally against war, but I'm not for it. I wish we could have people just not do it, but it won't happen. ):

  24. Sydney- I really liked your post and I agree with your opinion but don't think that that is all their is to it. I do believe that greed and selfishness at times to play a big part in war but like the war in Iraq I believe that war was declared on Iraq because of pride, the U.S. wasn't going to take that act of terrorism.

    Keyli- I LOVE your last sentence. I agree with what you said about one of the ways war has changed is to change the goverment that is different to before because it seemed like back then the purpose of war was simply to obtain land and resources not actually for the betterment of the country.

  25. Sometimes in order to keep the peace and establish order, fighting has to take place. War has been going for so long most people just go on with their lives. To the civilians who are not involved in a war it's just another day for them, but for those fighting it's different. What is the purpose of war? The answer is different on both sides. World War I introduced many new technologies to war: the Gatling gun, repeating rifles, air warfare, chemical warfare, trench warfare, and others. A new way of fighting emerged, war will never go back to being the same old style it used to be. Every war brings in something new, and World War I bought in the most and it changed the "art" of war. War today is now not just who ever has the biggest stick wins, but now it's who ever knows how to use that stick wins. What I'm trying to say is that today it doesn't matter if you have the better guns etc. it's now who can use it to cause the most destruction. Some country the United States may be fighting can have the same guns but it's who knows how to use it better. In Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Army has better weapons then Al-Qaeda but they're not as ruthless as Al-Qaeda. For me war is just another excuse to conquer territories but it's also a way to keep the peace.

  26. Jessica,
    I totally agree that we have to fight to gain land. And sometimes that war is about. Sometimes, a certain group of people wants something, and this "something" isn't always provided. So the only way people are sometimes satisfied is if they go to war.

    I kinda disagree that the purpose of war is to spread peace or to make peace. Sometimes countries go to war out of necessity. So i dont believe that the purpose of war is done with peaceful intentions, well at least not all the time.

  27. Serg- Good post man, but I like how you stated that only “some” people are sickened by the war. How War grew, with new tactics and more potent weapons are made for the cause of war. Good post man.

    Laura B. – Nice post, I do agree with how you said that Obama wants to send troops over to Libya, cause of the corrupt government, also that we need their resources. But good post.

  28. "War is the continuation of policy (politics) by other means" - Carl von Clausewitz. My belief is that a key purpose of war is victory. Any side fighting in a war wants to win. They want to show other sides, or countries, that they are powerful, superior, and can protect their country better than other countries can protect their own. Most of the time, this desire for victory, or hunger, means costing the lives of millions of people; both innocent and guilty (close to 38 million casualties for WWI). After WWI, many countries were just plain tired and broke from fighting in the Great War. A lot of countries were disillusioned and went to any extents to prevent any further wars, including our very own country. In today's time, there are different feelings that are felt about war and fighting in one. There are people who think that war is necessary to solve problems (The American Revolution made it possible for the 13 colonies to break away from Great Britain and gain its own independence). Then there's the few who believe that war is not a factor is solving problems (The U.S. involvement in the ongoing War on Terror isn't showing any sings of success...and we've been fighting for how long). In my personal opinion, I don't agree with war. Yes, it may solve problems SOMETIMES, but at what cost? We may get what we want out of a war, show how victorious we are, and possibly solve a few issues. But we also have to take into consideration all the possible casualties of a war lost. Is it really worth it in the end?

  29. I think that the purpose of war is to stop war. It is also used to obtain land or resources by force. Maybe to show or determine the strength of a countries power too. World War One changed the attitudes and views about war because at first the family members of the soldiers thought that the soldiers were safe. What actually happened in war was not discussed to the people in the country. They were not aware of all the deaths and tortures that were going on. The war changed future war tactics because of the development of technology. People were able to attack by air, sea, and land.
    I think people view war as an extremely violent way of solving problems. I believe no one likes to have war because it causes many deaths. I personally do not like war because it is cold and I do not see the point of having wars in order to live peacefully.

  30. Alex
    -I didn't really get what you say war is really for, but I agree with most of your comments. However, I just wanted to point out that war is rarely fought "just to shed another man's blood" or in other words as a justification for murder. At the same time, I know what you mean that sometimes war can be pointless.

    -For the most part, I agree with your blog. I think you're right than man often goes to war because of selfishness and greed (like wanting more land or resources). However, that isn't always the case. I don't think that fighting for peace (if that's truly what the fight is over, and not an underlying cause like oil for example) or protection is selfish or greedy. Also I do not think that war is a way of life, and it's sad that so many people feel this way.

  31. The purpose of war is not something that can easily be explained do to the fact that there are many actions and emotions that can cause war to occur. As for its purpose it depends on who and or for what cause is the war being called for. It can be through hatred, concern, injustice, etc. During the time near WW1, the main idea of war was based upon greediness over resources. The attitudes and perceptions of war had changed because many people were going through psychological trauma from the fact of having to kill people or just the fact of suffering from losing a loved one. War today is mainly intertwined with politics. One person had once said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. If we were to go to war during this era it would mean misery for the whole world especially with the more advanced technological weapons that people are capable of using. Where do I stand when it comes to war? War is nonetheless an excuse to kill people or to protect a group of people. If it is not even worth fighting about or not even worth bringing other people who weren't in the problem then why even think about it.

  32. Carlos,
    What are the two sides of war? You didn't go into detail on the sides. It is true that war is used for a way to "make peace" but at what cost? Is it still considered peace if you are forcing the people? So being able to cause the most destruction is the key to winning a war? Nice job on the post but don't be so broad next time.

    Very good job just stating that if you don't go to war then it can make ones country seem weak. It is true that one may not like war but its just another part of reality and it has and will always exists. Great post.

  33. Like many of my classmates, the purpose of war is either gain power over the other countries in the world, or just simply to tell other neighboring countries to back off. WWI definitely had change the perception of war. Through the middle ages where fighting was confronting your adversary and hack one an other, to WWI where the development guns and also the usage of trench warfare really has changed the way wars are fought. In WWI, soldiers now had the opportunity of using long-range weapons and fight in trenches. This new era of fighting definitely gave more casualties at the end of wars or battles. Frankly, I don't think there is really a change in how war is looked uponed. Though, today people are killed more, but the idea of war being a terrible thing is still there. Even though, in some cases, "war" can help a county's economy or even give the impression that one's country is not weak and willing to retaliate when need to, I must stand on the side that opposes the idea of war. The thought of losing so many friends or family is something that is hard to deal with.

  34. I must admit, I was very perplexed by this question. What is the purpose of war? War at its core, has very little to do with the people it actually affects. The soldiers that fight for in it and the families of those soldiers. War begins and ends with the countries’ leaders. These puppeteers of war used to actually participate in the fight, fighting right alongside their men. Now they simply conduct it from their nice posh offices. The purpose of war used to be a bit nobler than what it has become in this day in age. It used to be about expanding an empires horizons. Now it is simply leader trying to show their countries strength. Peaceful negotiations would “of course” cause the countries to look weak. They might say it is against terror, drugs, or for freedom. The truth is, that’s not usually the case. People are brainwashed into believing these reasons for war when, low and behold. Their leaders have dirty little secrets up their sleeves. The real reasons run something along the lines of oil, power, more power, and money. No sugar coating can cover this fact. I think that war today is viewed a bit too relaxed. With so many problems in the Middle East, people are becoming more and more accustomed to war. When it comes to war, I think it is very apparent were I stand. To put it lightly, I find war to be an ignorant man’s game.

  35. The purpose of war is to protect your own country and/or to gain land/countries. WWI changed the attitudes and perceptions of war in such a way that after the war may countries including the U.S. didn't wan anything to do with war. They even signed a treaty agreeing or banishing war from that country. War today is viewed somewhat similar by some people. Many people still believe war is stupid while others are for war and everything that has to do with it. In my opinion countries go to war for many years and by the time the war is over I don't even know why they were fighting in the first place. I think its used as an excuse by the government to make people think things are going to change and get better when sometimes nothing really happens and other problems arise from the war. There has been times when war saved a country like during the Great Depression for the U.S. Also other times it has made the country suffer for example when all the food is being for troops and the people at home don't have anything to eat anymore. I don't think war is ever going to end but I can't say I'm for it or against it right now I am indifferent. If someone in my family was at war maybe my opinion would change.

  36. As has been stated many times before by my other classmates, countries' purposes for war might be because another country has offended them in some way, to assert their dominance over another country, or to solve an issue that they may have with another country. Before WWI, war was more accepted by people and even thought of as a good thing. However, with the new tools used in WWI that led to more casualties and disease, war was then seen at its worst. Now that WWI had brought to light how awful the effects of war could be. War was no longer thought of as a good thing, people were starting to dread it because WWI was quickly taking so many lives of soldiers. Today, we may not fully understand how bad war can be at its worst because we haven't lived through it. Also, we don't take in the concept of war as much because the wars we're fighting are taking place in other countries, not our own land. This combined with how often we hear about the wars in other countries makes us view war as not a big deal. We can't grasp the concept until it affects us more directly than it is now. When it comes to war, I just feel that if its truly necessary then it's okay. Obviously starting wars for no reason isn't alright but if war is absolutely needed then it should be used by countries who need it.

  37. Madi,
    I like what you had to say mainly because I agree with you. It is true that some wars are pointless and that views on war haven't changed much or ever will. Your last sentence is kind of confusing because you can mean two things either you think the troops should be in meaningless fights that are worth fighting for? or you think the troops in the meaningless fights should be fighting for something that's worth it.

    I also think one of the purposes of war is to stop war. I think war itself contradicts itself because people sometimes go to war to end war. . . That's true that the truth was not being told to the people in the country.

  38. K-Dawg- I think your points were very clear. You explained yourself very well too. You definitely had a good post this week.

    Sally- Even though I'm not really for war, I think you made some very good points. I wish I would have said some of the things you said.

  39. Laura- I agree there are multiple reasons for war. I like your example of Libya. I agree Germany wanted more land and power. Good Job.

    Irma- I don't get how the purpose of war is to stop war? I agree it is to get land and power.The attitude of war was changed because people wanted war and then they didn't.I don't really understand your examples or how it has to do with what we really learned? May because I wasn't there the whole notes session. Good Job though.

  40. Irma - Your first sentence of your post really made me think. Though, to be honest, I don't know if I really understand what you're trying to say by "the purpose of war is to stop war." The way I understand it is: the purpose of war is to stop further violent problems between countries and end war for once and all. Other than that, I'm not really sure how to go about it. I do agree that it is used to get something a country wants and doesn't already have by force, when all other plans have failed, and it also gives a country a chance to show its dominance to other countries. War is a violent way to solve problems. I totally agree with what you said about how war is not necessary to live peacefully in the end. Good thoughts.

    Carlos - There were a lot of aspects to your post which I agreed with. I do believe that war is sometimes fought to maintain order, but I don't so much believe that it is fought to establish and/or maintain peace. It's a bit sad to see that war is something that a lot of people have been accustomed to, seeing as it's been going on for so long. It is true, that people not fighting in a war don't really feel the effects of a war or fighting, aside from hearing about it on the news or reading about it. I do agree that the methods used to today to fight war are different. Good thoughts in your post.

  41. Jessica- Your post was very blunt and precise. Leaving no stone unturned. I really appreciated that. I like that you used the example of Japan. It really is something to strive towards.

  42. Hugo- I like that you left room for the unknown. War is not very black and white. There are a lot of components that can affect it. You did a good job of bringing that fact to light.

  43. Carlos- Carlos it was very interesting reading what you had to say. In a way I agree but then again, not so much. Yes, I guess war can be used to keep order or to obtain "peace", but how is that possible when so many lives have been lost. Do you think the families and friends of those who have past away, think that "peace" has really been obtained? Well, I guess I'll leave it at that, but for the rest of your blog, I agree. WWI did bring a new "era" of fighting wars. So that was quite interesting as well from reading your blog.

    Zulema- I must agree that yes, because of the war, many side effects such as poverty took place. Although, I must disagree on war being a "last" resort type of deal. Honestly, how is it a last resort when you have leaders actually pushing towards this war, or as they call it, The Great War. To go even more deeper, in past centuries, it has I guess been a custom, to actually go into wars or battles. Even though, as time went by, war steadily declined and became more of a "political warfare", many countries still kind of push towards that boundary where a war can be started.

  44. I believe the purpose of war is to gain power and fulfill the human idea of vengence. Power has always been something humanity has been struggling for, so that's not really surprising on that note. However, even after all these years, it becomes extremely obvious that humans haven't even managed to surpass petty revenge. Kind of makes me have less hope in our race. WWI changed the views on war in that all of the European countries were rather depressed, considering how much they lost, while the Americans kind of got a big head and decided that they were the studs of the war. War is viewed as almost essential today for getting any huge worldly movements started. If anybody wants a major change, chances are they're going to be fighting a war against the people who would prefer no change. It's kind of inevitable really. I am not for war personally, I believe things can be worked out through negotiations and talks. Some people say that for certain things, that doesn't apply or work, however, I believe that if you want something badly enough, you can get it.

  45. Kelli--
    When I read your post, I disagreed some what when you said that the purpose of war is to gain power. Not everything will be about power. Other than that I agreed with what you said about how war is viewed today.

    I disagree with what you said that war is used to end war. If they wanted to end war they would not keep fighting. They would have make a peace treaty or something. Other than that good job!

  46. Olivia, I agree with you that war is used to obtain what was not gained at first. I did not know that your father was in the national guard. I did not understand what you meant by saying that war became a way of life for most.

    I think that it happens that way in some cases. Thank you for being honest prima.

  47. Franklin- Losses are inevitable, no matter the losses most countries will fight though to keep the peace! Yes without World War I who knows what would've happened.

    Kelli-Exactly but they just give us some government lie like. We want peace and to free that country/area. In reality it's like you kill me? No I kill you!

  48. Jessica, I really like your post. It was very thought out and well written. I agree with the part where you state how if a country gets involved in a war, they should do it from beginning to end. However, I disagree with your statement that war is inhumane and stupid. Sometimes, war is necessary to solve problems and struggles for control in parts of the world.

    Zulema, your post is very interesting. I like how you pointed out the irony in war because it is often used to achieve peace. Also, you pointed out that war enables the winning side to "forcefully impose their beliefs" which is supposed to create "peace". This brings about the point that while there may be what one side thinks is peace, the other side may not be content with the results of the war.


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