Friday, April 8, 2011

Soviets or Allies?

Who had the greatest impact in defeating Nazi Germany?  The Soviets or the Western Allies (Br. Fr. & US)?  Provide reasons for your choice.


  1. I think that the Soviets had the greatest impact in defeating Nazi Germany because they were fighting them for a longer time. Also the Soviets were the ones who wore them down thus making it easier to defeat Nazi Germany. They also went into Germany to invade Berlin which they turned into rubble.

  2. I think the Allies had the greatest impact in defeating Nazi Germany. Yes the Soviets were in the war longer and underwent most of the fighting. However the Allies were able to use the intelligence they gained from cracking the German code to anticipate Hitler's every move and make the war end a lot sooner than it normally would have. Make no mistake the Soviets would have defeated Nazi Germany without the Allies help, it just would have taken an extremely large amount of time, not to mention lives.

  3. The Soviets had a greater impact in defeating Nazi Germany. The Soviets single handedly fought the Germans for two and a half years before the Allies entered the War. The Allies invaded France in 1944 and by this time the Germans were already being pushed back by the Soviets. The allies did have an impact when they entered the war by kind of putting the last nail in the coffin i guess but for the most part i believe the soviets had the greatest impact on the war.

  4. I think that the Soviets had the most impact when it comes to defeating Nazi Germany. The Allies didn't come for a while and yea, when they did they helped out with more access to information, but I feel that the Soviets did pretty well on their own. I mean, they fought by themselves for almost 3 years 'til the Allies came and helped. They also had really good equipment and although it was slower, it was the best.

  5. Zulema,
    I agree with what you say. I like the words you used when describing how the Allies effected the war once they finally got into the war. They did help out, but didn't come to "rescue" 'til almost 3 years into the war.

    I agree with you. The Soviets did do most of the work when it came to the war. The Allies did help, but not as much as they could've helped if they entered into the war sooner.

  6. In my opinion, I think that the Soviets had the greatest impact in defeating Nazi Germany. Although the Western Allies won in the Pacific without the help of of the Soviets, the Soviets did most of the fighting without the Western Allies help. For almost two and a half years the Soviets lost lives and then won the Battle of Stalingrad with no other countries help. The Battle of Stalingrad was a large turning part in the war and the Germans were defeated by the Soviets without the help of the Allies. I think the Western Front helped speed up the war. The Western Front just made it clearer that the Soviets were going to defeat Germany. Overall, I think that the Soviets could have won without the Allies, they just sped up the inevitable.

  7. Zulema, I agree with your views on this. I liked your metaphor by saying the Allies put the nail in the coffin. I also stated in my post that the Soviets fought for two and a half years without the Allies help. Good job!

    Kevin-- Good post. I also agree with your opinion that the Soviets won the war. I also think it was very important that the code was broken. Overall, I completely agree.

  8. Madi-- I agree that the Soviets did pretty well on their own. They opposed Hitler for about 3 years all by themselves and I think that in the end they would have won the war even without the Allies help.

    Sydney--I liked the point that you made about the Battle of Stalingrad. In my opinion this was a major turning point in the war, at least for the eastern front. It showed Hitler that the Soviets were a lot tougher than what he realized, and it proved to the Soviets that they could defeat Hitler.

  9. Well to start off, I got to give the Soviets the credit. Fighting the Nazi’s for two and a half years by themselves. While the Allies militaries were not ready and pushed back when they would intervene with the war. I think that the Soviets took a lot of punishment from Germany. Were millions died while loosing their own soil at the same time? And having their people suffer greatly being killed and raped. When the Allies did finally did show up in Africa, they did help. Pushing back the German forces. Then turning their attention towards Italy. While the Soviets had built up their army and pushed the Germans back taking every piece of land that was once
    Soviet land. The Battle of Seelow Heights would be one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Were the Soviets loosing a large amount of men and were the Germans only lost a handful of men. But I still got to give the credit to the Soviets; they had most of the punishment and casualties.

  10. Kevin,

    I agree with your post, that the Allies did have the information and what not. But I think that the Soviets had a bigger impact in the war. And I also agree that without the info the war might have been a little different and longer, but good post tho.


    I totally agree with your post. That the allies had that last push too put Germany down. Then I also agree that the Soviets had the greatest impact in the war. Good post.

  11. I think that the Soviets had the greatest impact in the war. The battle of Stalingrad is what causes me to make this decision towards the question. It has been said that the Soviets probably lost more men, but they had the equipment to continue fighting and defeat the Allies. I also feel the Soviets had a greater impact because they were more prepared than Hitler and his men were. The Soviets had more men, more tanks, artillery pieces and more aircraft. So, in a way they were better prepared and equipped. They fought hard even when they didn't have the help of the Allies. And then of course they come along and speed the process up a little bit but the Soviets always kept fighting and kicking butt so I give them brownie points.

  12. Sydney,
    I agree with your post. Good job mentioning different battles to help support your opinion. Good job.

    I agree that the Allies had an impact when they first entered the war but the Soviets won. Good point and good post.

  13. I believe the Soviets had the greatest impact. They basically just kept on pummeling Nazis until the others finally decided to show up and clean up the leftovers. Really, it seems like they did enough that if the U.S. and everyone else hadn't intervened, I feel like they still could have definitely taken out Germany by themselves. At least eventually.

  14. Sally - I totally agree with you, and your giving of the brownie points to the Commies. :] The Soviets pretty much just kept pounding away, and I feel like they would've kept at it until the Nazis were defeated.

    Sydney - I totally agree with you, and you brought up a great point about the Allies and Japan. I do think that if we hadn't intervened, that eventually after Germany was taken out, the Soviets would have been able to then go after Japan. After all, they did have crazy awesome technology.

  15. The Soviets had more of an impact on the Germans than the Allies did. What the Soviets did was just keep pushing & keep fighting until they one. The Allies weren't in the war for as long as the Soviets were and they weren't as persistent as the Soviets. What they did was just keep fighting & fighting until they had weakened Germany enough to make it surrender. Also, it helps that the Soviets had many more men than the Germans did, which is why they were able to keep going on for so long.

  16. I think the Allies had the greater impact on defeating Germany rather than Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Union had plenty of people and material they didn’t have the smarts like the Allies. Yea, the soviet can replace soldiers if they die since they had a big population, but that wasn’t all to defeating Germany. The Allies would find out information like where Hitler would have his soldiers. The main thing though is that the US cracked Germany’s code. After cracking the code they new where the German soldiers were lined up to fight. Of course it was easy to defeat them afterwards because we new a surplus of information.

    Zulema- Yes the Soviet Union had fought for multiple years to fight the Nazi’s off but I still think the Allies had a greater impact. The Allies got to read what the German’s were going to do next after cracking the code. And even though it was years after the Allies joined to defeat the Nazi’s this event was big.

    Alex-The Battler of Seelow was sadly a major loss for the Soviet. I see why you would choose the Soviet but I think the only reason they even lasted was because they had a large population to help out. Other than that they didn’t really have a strategy.

  17. Like many of my classmates have already said, I think the Soviets had the biggest impact in defeating Nazi Germany than the Western Allies did. First off, the Soviets were already fighting with the Germans for 2.5 years without the help of the Allies. By the time the Allies stepped in, the Soviets were already slowly but surely pushing the German troops back and out of the Soviet Union. In the 1943 Soviet Counterattacks, the Soviets had more men and tanks assembled (Battle at Kurszk). This definitely showed how strong they were without the Allies. I think that the only effect that the Allies had was speeding up the process in defeating Germany. I'd like to think that there's a possibility that eventually the Soviets would have been able to defeat Nazi Germany on their own. Probably not as fast as when the Allies stepped in…but eventually.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think that the Soviets had the greatest impact in defeating Nazi Germany. They were in the war for a very long time.They never gave up. They just kept fighting. The Allies showed up at the very last moment just so that the Soviets don't take over.Soviets could have probably won the war with out the allies but it just would have taken a lot more time. Allies did help end the war but they didn't really help defeat Nazi Germany. So in general the Soviet Union weakened Germany and the Allies just finished them off. So the people that weakened had more of an effect.

  20. I think that the allies had a great impact on defeating Nazi Germany. Even though the soviets fought longer the allies were able to break the code and that helped a lot. The soviets might have been able to defeat Germany but I think that the code breaking made it faster.
    P.S. The navajos were a great contribution.

  21. Stefani- I agree that the Soviets had the greatest effect on Nazi Germany. I like your example about the Battle of Kursk. I agree that the soviets would probably been able to defeat Nazi Germany on their own. Good Job.

    Isabel- I agree that the Soviets had more of an impact on Nazi Germany then the Allies did. I agree that the Soviets didn't give up. I agree the Allies didn't really make that much of a difference. Good Job.

  22. In my opinion I believe that the Soviets deserve all of the credit that goes to who defeated the Nazi's. First of all the Soviets had to defend against the Nazi's on over 3,000 Km. Second they were constantly fighting back against Hitler's army. Some of the Allies that were part of the war didn't start taking action up until the time that they felt threatened or felt that the appropriate time has arrived.

  23. Personally, i think that the Soviets had the greatest impact on beating Hitler. Stalin had basically done it by himself. The allies were a bit late on arriving and helping the Soviets. When the soviets took matters into theri own hands, they had some pretty legit things going for them. They had a bunch of equipment. They also had TONS of men. They had fought the Germans way before the allies even set foot in Germany. They could have won it all even with out the allies help.

    When you say that the soviets had to defend that much territory its true. They were very strong men, and they never gave up.

    I kind of see your point when you say that the allies are the ones who broke the code. That ended up being an important factor as well.

  24. So pretty much every week I type up my blog and then attempt to post it, and then for some reason it doesn't post (sometimes because of the stupid google accounts, sometimes for other reasons). You'd think eventually I would get smart and type it in a word document first...but I don't...

    In my opinion, the Soviets had a bigger impact in defeating the Germans than the Western allies. First of all, the Soviets had a seemingly endless amount of soldiers, making persistence easier than it was for the allies. Also, the western allies consisted of the French (who had been defeated by the Germans), the U.S. (who was also fighting against the Japanese in the Pacific) and the British. While the British no doubt did their part, the Soviets were the ones that pushed through to Berlin.

  25. Irma
    - You have a good point that it was the allies who broke the code. However, this only made it easier to defeat them; not necessarily the reason why they were defeated. Also, the Soviets were the ones who actually invaded Berlin, while the western allies never made it that far. Good post :)

    - I agree that the Soviets deserve credit for the biggest impact on Germany's defeat, but I wouldn't say they deserve all of it. The allies did decode the enigma machine, as well as continually push the Germans back from German-controlled France. However, I do agree that the Soviets played the biggest role in Germany's defeat.

  26. I believe the Soviets had a greater impact in defeating the Germans in the beginning. They did defeat them and held them for about two years not everyone can hold another army for that long. They also had goals to defeat the Germans without any help from the Allies, since they had not helped them out yet.

  27. I would have to say that the Soviets had a greater impact on defeating Nazi Germany. They outnumbered the Germans in several different ways. The Allies came in late to help the Soviets, so this shows that the Soviets prevailed for the most part without the Allies help. This just goes to prove that the Soviets had the greater impact.

  28. Diana-- I agree with your post and also thought that the Soviets had the greatest impact in defeating Hitler and Nazi Germany, because in reality the allies entered the war when the Soviets were already pushing the Germans back.

    Irma-- Although our opinion differs I liked your post and see your point of view. The allies were able to contribute vital information that helped the Soviets defeat the Germans.

  29. K-Dawg- I have to admit you did have some good points. So I'm willing to agree to disagree with you :)

    Sergio-I totally agree with your post. Good points!

  30. Teresita,
    I agree with your post, especially when you stated that the Soviets wore the Germans down making it easier to defeat them. This makes perfect sense because by the time the Allies joined the war, the Germans had already been weakened by the Soviets

    Your opinion is very well supported in your response. You bring up a good point about how even though the Soviets had people & materials, the Allies used more of their information gathering strategies to help defeat Germany

  31. The Soviet Union had a huge impact in defeating the Nazi Germans. Even though Stalin killed the majority of his Generals each soldier had a sense of Nationalism and fought until their last breath to defend their country. Their sense of Nationalism was so strong that they stayed on the offensive and managed to capture Berlin. The Western Allies didn't manage as to cover as much land as the Soviet Union did.

  32. Keyli- you have a good point on how the Western Allies came in late and plus that they didn't cover as much land/territory as the Soviet Union did.

    Irma- Sure the Western Allies cracked the code, but the Soviets never received those codes and they still managed to recover their country and go ahead and take it to the heart of the Reich and defeat Germany in their own country

  33. Kevin - You're one of the few who said that the Allies had more of an impact than the Soviets did. It is true that the Soviets were fighting Germany without the help of the Allies for a while. Meaning, the Soviets did most of the fighting. I agree with you on the fact that the Allies were able to essentially speed up the process by using their intelligence. Goes along the lines of what I mentioned in my post. Good thoughts.

    Sergio - I too think that the Soviets had the biggest impact. Stalin pretty much beat Hitler on his own. I agree with you when you said that the Allies had some pretty "legit" things going for them (equipment/ men). In the end I think that really helped the the Allies fight the Germans with the Soviets because they had more resources than the Germans. I'd also like to think that the Soviets would have beat the Germans on their own…eventually. Good post.

  34. In defeating Nazi Germany the Soviets had the greatest impact in my opinion. Stalin had a few mistakes like everyone else did. He killed many of his Generals but each one of them was a nationalist and would fight for their country until the end. The Soviets were able to capture Berlin unlike the Western Allies who didn't cover as much as land. Also they had to defend themselves against the Nazi's for over 3,000 km. The other Allies didn't do much until they felt threatened.

  35. Jessica,
    I must say that you do have a point when it comes to the Allies decoding the enigma machine and them fighting the territories in France that the Germans had taken over. Also I just posted something but it wasn't my complete thought or else I would've had something worth criticizing about.

    You also have a point that the Soviets managed to cover a lot more ground than the Allies did. One thing to remember is that it is not always about who has more land it is about who can manipulate the other group and win the battle and war.
    If anybody notices this ∆ put in post.

  36. Madi,
    Like you I think the Soviets had the biggest impact on defeating Nazi Germany. The Allies came once they themselves felt threatened. Yes, without the Allies the Soviets did pretty well fighting for three years on their own. Having the best equipment probably helped them even though it might have slowed them down a bit.

    I also think the Soviets had the greatest impact on beating Hitler. He did do most of it by himself the Allies came when they felt threatened. Stalin did have I would say the best equipment and many men. They might have been able to win all on their own without the Allies help.

  37. Boy oh boy I hate missing a blog fight....* Sigh*

    Well in my honest opinion. The Soviets made a greater impact.
    They fought Nazi Germany from the get go.
    It is very easy for the allies to come along and claim victory on the last leg of battle.
    The way I see it, the Soviets did most of the work, weakening Nazi Germany in the process.
    The Allies then came in on there ego trip and “ saved “ the day. Though there is no denying that Nazi had some brilliant military leaders. The Soviets just showed them they could do it better. They very simply and very efficiently muscled them out. Using more soldiers, weapons and better strategies. Keep in mind that the Soviets had been fighting Nazi Germany for two and a half years before the Allies decided that they should join the war.

    Though the Allies did a great job of finishing Nazi Germany off, the Soviets really set a precedent in this war.

  38. Stef- I think you are very right. The Soviets would have definitely won that war...eventually.

  39. Jessica- I'm totally with you on that. For some reason I think that it won't Ever happen again. But, lo and behold ...I type something then ..poof. its gone

    As for your post, I wonder the same thing. Were did the Soviets get this endless supply of troops :]

  40. Keyli--
    I agree with your post because it is true that the Soviets outnumbered the Germans. They also did fight against them for a long time.

    You had very good points in your post. The Soviets did take the German city Berlin and that really showed how strong the Soviets are.

  41. I must say that the Allies entirely had the biggest impact in World War II. Yes, the Soviets had been fighting for a very long time, but I believe that if the Allies wouldn't have entered and obtained the information that they had, then I think the war might have gone to Hitler's side. But honestly, I think that the Soviets had this war won. If the Allies wouldn't have entered when they did, or just not have interfered entirely, then I would say that the war would have gone on for a longer period of time. And of course, more deaths would have taken place. In any case, from all the information that the United States and the Allies have gathered, I would have to say that the Allies really had a big impact, that kept Hitler from attacking the East head on. Because of the Allies, I think Hitler had to give up some troops to reinforce the West and defend form the Allies, which helped the Soviets make the final push to Berlin.

  42. Katherine: I agree that the Soviets had fought and weakened the Germany when the Allies had arrived. But I must disagree that the Soviets had the most impact. Frankly, when the Allies entered the war, and started making attacks, this made Hitler move some of his troops, or quite a few of his troops, to the West. With this in mind, this gave the Soviets the chance to turnover the tide of the war. So because of the Allies entering the war, and Hitler moving his troops to the West, the Soviets did indeed muscled the Germans, but due to the Allies entering when they did.

    Kevin: I agree with you Kevin! The Soviets did do a lot of the work, and this did help the Allies. But without the Allies cracking the code and gaining the information that they obtained, it would have dragged the war a lot longer and cost a lot more lives.

  43. Kelli B- I agree with your post. The Soviets did way more then the Allies did. The soviets probably would have won had no one intervened. Great Job!

    Isabel- I agree with your post. The Soviets really did more then the Allies. After reading your post I now know how the Soviets could go on for so long. Great Job! Keep up the good work!

  44. Teresita, You have a good point, the soviets did ware down Nazi Germany.
    Good job

  45. Franklin, I agree with you that if the allies would have not entered the war then it would of take longer to stop the war.

  46. Laura,
    Yes the Allies had managed what you mentioned, but if it weren't for the Soviets they may not have been able to defeat Germany in the first place. Because of all the fighting that was taking place on the Eastern Front, especially when the Soviets started to win, German troops weren't as strong as they could have been on the West. In addition, the Soviets definitely had the smarts. They wouldn't have lured Germany as far back as they did into their own territory if they didn't.

    I agree that it Stalin appeared more prepared than Hitler and his men; however, I think this also had to do with the fact that Hitler was sort of just ignorant in the first place and set himself up for something he couldn't achieve. Furthermore, they did indeed fight without the help of the Allies, and that's not something the Allies could say about the Soviets. Good post!


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