Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Uprising Discussion, Part III

What are your thoughts?  Who do you think is going to live? Die? 

Would have you been able to have found love during this time period?

Would have you been able to just ignore what was happening behind those walls?

What it so hard for Tosia to do/what did she have to compromise on Easter?

Would have you sacrificed yourself like the former Jewish police officer did?

Would you have wanted to stay & fight, or try to find a way out of the ghetto?

Would have you been able to keep your cool as Yitzhak did when dealing with the Polish underground?

Would have you been willing to go up and fight for the one child?

What you be thinking/feeling during Mordechai’s speech in the bunker?


  1. I have a feeling that a lot of the Polish Jews are going to die. There's not as many of them as there are the Germans. I'm sure some of them will live but quite a few of them will die. I felt that Mordechai's speech in the bunker was great. I liked it when he said that their spirits now will reflect on the generations to come. My favorite part of the movie today was when they all came up out of the holes in the ground to fight for the child. The women came out and the men created a distraction for the soldiers to turn around and then the women pulled out their guns and shot them. That takes guts and intensity to do something like that. I also like how everyone is fighting and staying strong. Some people would just go crazy with all that was happening but they kept their composure. It was kind of sad when the officer who went undercover for the Jews sacrificed himself for the others. He did what not many people would do. I really liked today and looking forward to the rest tomorrow!

  2. Personally I don't want any of the main people to die because they make the movie so much more interesting. I think that Kazik should not die, nor Tosia because they have been a very big help to the people. I don't think I would be able to find love because I would worry about living and killing the Germans rather then looking for that person that I would think at any moment we both will die so technically what is the point. I would not have been able to pretend like nothing is going on behind the walls because it is so hard not to think about it, if it happens everyday then I would be wanting to find out what is there. I think that Tosia found it hard to take the unleavened bread to pretend that she actually followed Christianity. I would tried to find a way out of the ghetto so that the others could come and be free from the ghetto and run away. If I was in there when Mordechai's speech I would be thinking how hot it was and that we need to separate cause it is so hot. Other than that, I would be encouraged to get out there and kill every German Nazi that came near and fight for a freedom. I love how this movie is getting intense. :)

  3. I think a lot of people are going to die. I have a feeling that almost everybody will end up dieing. To start with I believe that Mordecai will die but I don't know how. I don't think I would have been able to find love because I would be to scared of dieing I wouldn't even think about relationships. It would be way to scary. My main focus would be to protect my people and kill the Germans. I wouldn't have been able to ignore what was going on behind the walls. It is hard for Tosia to get back to the ghetto. She has to give up her religion to on Easter so she doesn't get caught or turned in. I probably wouldn't have been able to give up my life like the jewish police officer did. I would be way to scared to do so I would rather kill my self then get killed by someone else if I have done something like send people to their deaths. If I could leave the ghetto I probably would have left a long time ago. I would be way to scared to stay I wouldn't want to die like that it would be way too much stress. I also wouldn't be able to run up for just one child knowing that it was a set up and that I was going to be killed. I would be very stressed to think that if I leave I'm leaving my people to die but if I leave I might be safe. I wouldn't know what to do. I like the movie it just gets better.

  4. Mordechai or Yizthak/ Ross, but I think that slowly but surely everyone is going to die. To me it's to predictable to think that EVERY member of the resistance grouped is going to die. At this time period, I think that finding love would be the last thing on my mind; surviving would probably be the first. If I was living on the other side of the wall, I wouldn't be able to ignore what was happening in the ghetto. However, I'm not so sure I'd actually do something about it. More than likely I'd move out of Warsaw…if at all possible. During the scene where Tosia in at the Aryan side trying to smuggle explosives (at least that's what I think they were) I was honestly scared for her, especially where the crooks were watching her every move at the church. I didn't think she was going to make it out of there alive. My predictions about the Jewish police officer were very wrong. Even before he said he would sacrificed himself I thought he was going to somehow turn against Mordechai and Yizthak/ Ross. But he surprised me by putting his own life in danger so other could survive. If I were in the ghetto, I would be more inclined to stay and fight in the ghetto because then I'd know that I fought for something that I felt strongly about. I was totally freaking out at the part where the German officer was holding the crying baby. I honestly thought that they were going to kill the kid. But, the Jews came to the rescue. To me, that just showed how they would fight for each other. I'm pretty excited to see the rest of the film. :)

  5. Overall, I really am enjoying this film so far. I was so scared for the Tosia when she had to take the explosives to the ghettos for the others to use as ammunition. It made me really respect those that were willing to fight for what they believed in because they took great risks and putting themselves in danger to fight. During this time period, I wouldn't have finding love on my mind. I would probably be more focused on surviving. However, if love did cross my path, I wouldn't be against it because it would be nice to have someone care for me and to sidetrack me from what was really happening during all the fighting. The former Jewish officer really surprised me when he risked his life to help the other Jews. I would have felt just as guilty for being a trader, but I don't know if I would risk my life to be a decoy. I want to say that I would stay and fight, yet it would be challenging to know that there was some where I could escape to where my life wasn't on the line everyday. I don't know what to expect at the end of the movie. I'm hoping the Jews ALL survive. Sadly, I think that time is running out for them to be successful against the Nazi forces and I believe many will die. I'm excited to see what will happen in the rest of the film like Stefani.:)

  6. So far, a very interesting movie, and seeing people fall in love during this crisis, is something I don't think I would have done. I think I would be more worried about surviving, but if people were already in love before all this happened, then I think that's different. Ignoring what was happening behind the walls would have been very difficult, and but for me, I would like to think that I'd do something, but then again, the thought of dieing can change a person. My thoughts about the Jewish officer were very strong. When he had changed sides, I knew that he meant it, just because the reactions that he gave during the train scene. But giving his life up for the others to get away, is something I did not foresee. If I had to see so many friends and family die, I believe that I would have stayed in fought with the resistance. It may have been futile, but knowing that I could at least do something, would be satisfying enough. I can't wait for the rest of the film today, I hope that everyone doesn't die, but that's probably unlikely. :(

  7. The movie is so good. It is incredible that they have been able to resist being taken by the German army fot so long. I would love if some how they all were able to survive but having knowledge over this time period I now that it is very unlikely. I think that some of the more prominent Jews such as Mordechai will die in battle trying to save some of the others but the rest will eventually be taken to concentration camps. Like many in the movie I feel that I would have been able to find love during this time mostly because people seem to come together most during times of crisis.I would like to say that I would have been able to sacrifice myself like the the Jewish police officer did but I honestly doubt I would have been able to it would have been very hard and he was very corageous to do so.

  8. First of all, I was impressed that the Jewish forces defeated the German advances not only one time, but two. I expected to see the Germans put to use their military strengths, but then I was shocked, in a good way, to see them beaten. I really admired the former Jewish police officer, because he not only gave up the privileges that he had, he tried to make things right with everyone for the wrongs he committed. I don't think that I'd be selfless enough to do what he did, and create a diversion. I would have stayed and fought though, because I couldn't just let someone else fight my battle. I think I would have found love, because hard times tend to bring people together.

  9. I missed the third part of the movie, which made me a little mad because I really wanted to watch it. I would of probably been able to find love during this period but it would have been difficult. I would have probably been more concentrated on coming up with ideas that would help attack or survive. I would have not been able to just ignore what happened behind the walls because who in the would just ignores those things. Unless, of course, there is fear.

  10. I feel that everybody in the resistance is going to die in a suicide mission or something like that. So far the movie has gotten more intense and I really admire the Jewish people that are fighting. They are all brave and committed to their cause. I really don't like the people who just ignore what is going on around them. I for one would not be able to ignore it. For me its not just something that can be easily ignored. I really loved it when they went up to go fight for that one child. It was really selfless act and I believe that I would have done that too even if there was a huge chance of me getting killed. I can't wait to see what happens in the end.

  11. I don't really know who is all gonna live and die. It kinda seems like most of them will die, but I really hope Tosia won't, because she's super awesome. If I didn't have kids, I would have stayed and fought, but if I did, I guess I would have tried to find a way out so that they could live. The movie's been super sad lately, I feel like it's going to get worse kind of. I was super excited. The people going up to fight for the child made me wanna cry. I probably will cry before the movie ends.

  12. This movie is just awesome, and I catch myself predicting what will happen after class. I think that most of resistance will end up dying, but the Soviets will reach Germany before they are all killed. I'm guessing Mordechai will die in order to rescue some of the younger students that are still with him. If I remember correctly, a similar series of events happened in the Warsaw Ghetto, and the resistance held out until after the Soviets took Berlin. I hope that, at the very least, everybody will kill tons of Nazis. Although the individual soldier may not deserve it, the party does.

  13. Part three of the movie shows how strong and smart the underground Jewish rebels are. Although through their fighting they lost a few people but many still survived. During this time I am pretty sure I could have found love. Without somebody that I am close I don’t think I would be able to go on in the situation the Jew’s were in. I think they need love or significant other in order to follow through with what they have and are accomplishing. With ignoring what is behind the walls there will be no way for me to ignore what is happening. I would be thinking the worst.

  14. This movie is getting intense and more sad. I feel like everyone looks out for each other and the more that they are together the more they get attached to one another. I don't know if I could find love if I was in that situation for fear of ending up and losing them or me dying and them losing me. However, you only have that much longer to live and it'd be nice to have something to fight for. I think that is why the little girl had such an impact on everyone. Even though they were sacrificing themselves for this one child, I believe it is to the point where they know they have to go all out and basically do hard or die trying.

  15. To find love during this period, could be either hard or easy. If you already had a lover, this might bring you closer, make you alot stronger. Then again, it could tear you apart. If your lover were to be taken away, you would feel alone as if finding somebody else would be wrong. This movie is getting really sad fast. Its also getting real b.a fast. I loved seeing the men and women shoot the Germans, it was a sort of victory you know?

  16. I hope that the main characters live because they kind of make the movie have a purpose. For example Losia should live and so should the guy who is like their leader. I don't if I would have been able to find love during this time with everything going on it would be pretty difficult even though at the same time I might just to be able to take my mind off of what's going on at the moment. The former Jewish Officer sacrificed his life for the others something that would be hard to do because you know more than likely you will die and no go back. Part of me would have wanted to stay and fight while the other part of me would have wanted to find a way out I'd have to be in that place to know what exactly I would do and what the circumstances were. Yes I would have been willing to go up and fight for one child like they did.

  17. I think in the end everyone who has been fighting will end up being killed besides maybe the two characters that haven't been living in the ghetto. I really do think love is something I would have been able to find because when you think about what's important in life, love is one of them, and if you don't have much longer to live than it would be something to search for. As far as what I would do in any of these situations, I have no idea how I would handle any of these situations that relate to life or death because its just not something I hope to ever have to consider.

  18. I believe that some of them are going to survive but many of them were going to die including the leader of the rebellion. During Mordechai's speech it felt as if he wasn't even to sure if he was even going to live but that he had accomplished his life goal. I would want to find a way out of the ghetto instead of trying to stay and fight because if I am going to die I might as well die trying to find freedom instead of dying horribly in the ghetto. When it comes to sacrifice I would sacrifice myself if I had done all of those bad things in my lifespan and if I knew if I was not going to survive. I would try to ignore what happened behind the walls but in reality I would be tortured each and every day if I were to attempt to do it.

  19. The movie has definitely gotten intense at this point. I was thinking how I wouldn't want any of the characters die, but that would be unrealistic. I think that I would be able to find love during this time because everyone becomes so close together and is around each other most of the time. You asked if I could sacrifice myself like the Jewish police officer did. I'd like to say yes, but I don't know if I actually would. If I was alive during that time, then I feel like I would want to fight, but If I had kids, I would want to get out. I'm eager to see the finale of the movie.

  20. I would like to think that, had I been in a situation like this I would have acted with the same courage, dedication, and honor as these fighters. As for finding love in these conditions, who knows…I think things like that can happen anywhere. You can’t really plan to fall in love. No one wakes up and says “ Hmm I think I’ll fall in love today” Love and war is kind of and oxymoron in my book though. Just putting that out there.

    I doubt I could just completely ignore everything going around behind those walls. It is possible though, to temporarily perhaps tune it out a bit. Yet, you can’t just ignore bombs and bullets flying a bout.

    I was so proud of Tosia. Going into a Catholic Mass and participating is ultimately going against everything she believes in. She had to go against her religion, her culture, and everything she had ever been taught. You got to hand it to the girl though, it was pretty brilliant. Who is going to accuse her of being a Jew if she is in a Catholic Church?

    As for the Jewish police officer, I don’t know, again situation, situation, situation. I think he was eaten up at the end by his own guilt and sense of morality. I don’t know if he would have done it had he not been a Jewish Police officer….with a strong conscience.

    When we talk about losing it all to save one life. Meaning fighting for the life of a baby I find the answer to be simple. If you can save a young budding life, why not try? Even if it means dying in the process, at the very least you will have died knowing you, TRIED.

    Besides the fact that Mordechai is one of the best movie speechmakers …ever, he is also the leader the fighters needed to pull them all together.

  21. Kazik is a strong fighter so I think he's going to survive and the people who are willing to stick with him until the end are going to survive too. During this time love would have been hard to find, but not impossible. Finding love during a time like this would've been a way to stay strong throughout the war. If there was nothing then what was the point of continuing? What Tosia did was very courageous going to church even though she's Jewish just for she can continue her mission of delivering the explosives. If I was in that situation I would have done it, because I wouldn't want to mess up the mission just to protect what I believed in. When she went she really didn't mean what she was doing, she believed in the mission. The way the former Jew officer died was a sacrifice he knew someone had to make. In his mind it was his mission, he sold out jews at the start, and now that was his chance t clear his mind and soul of that impurity. I would've tried to stay and fight but also be looking for a way to get out. Everyone's life was necessary, fighting for that one child was necessary. The less they lose the more reason they have to continue going.

  22. It’s hard to say what I would do in any of the Jews’ positions. Would I have been able to even fight when I knew I was going to die? I honestly don’t know. I think it would be easier if I had already lost my family, like Tosia, because then there would be nothing left to lose. I think I’m the kind of person who isn’t always very good at controlling my emotions, but then again, maybe under that kind of pressure and through those hardships, I would have been stronger. Tosia taking communion was a way bigger deal than it seemed. Throughout the movie the Jews were constantly sticking with their beliefs—even though it meant death in the end—and here she didn’t have a choice—she HAD to be strong for the rest of the Jews. All of these people went through a heck of a lot more than anyone should ever have to go through and I could never say for sure that I would be so brave under those circumstances.


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