Sunday, August 29, 2010

Emergence of Christianity

What do you think of the Roman Catholic Church's tactics when it came to converting the Germanic peoples of Europe?  Think about the Christian holidays and observances today, do you think people today understand the religious implications of the days they celebrate, or is it just another day to celebrate?  Do you think people even have a clue as to why they celebrate the way they do (with all of the 'customs' & 'traditions'? With that in mind, remember the fact that over 2 billion people call themselves Christians today. Were the tactics the right move?


  1. My thoughts on the Roman Catholic Church tactics when it came to converting the Germanic people of Europe was that it was a very well thought out plan. By using the methods that they did, they were able to recruit and change peoples beliefs into their own. I think that some people understand the religious implications of the days they celebrate but in some instances, some people forget the reasons they are celebrating these holidays and forget the religious side of things. I think that these tactics had their pros and cons because on one side, it's good that so many people are now Christians, however, the holidays are more important to some than the religious implications.

  2. I believe that the Roman Catholic church were very cunning when it came to converting the Germanic people of Europe. Their tactics were very smart because it was a lot easier for them to recruit people to join their religion. Since people didn't exactly know what the bible said, they listened to those who they thought were wise. Bible weren't available just anywhere, so back then, people had to really think about what they wanted to believe. The thing is that people ended up just following something because they assumed a person was right. I think that people who go to church or have studied religion do understand the meaning of the holidays, but some people don't even realize what they're celebrating. Honestly, i think that the tactics were the right way to go because I could not see things any other way.

  3. I think that the Roman Catholic Church were pretty smart when converting people to their faith. They were able to ease people into becoming Christians with hardly any problems at all. It is interesting to think that some of the holidays we have today were pagan to begin with, and converted to a more Christian appealing tradition. I do not think that people today understand the religious influence behind the holidays, but instead follow the crowd and celebrate anyways. I think the tactics were the right move to convert people to Christianity, but when it comes down to it it's up to the people to exercise their faith.

  4. What Sydney said is right, and very interesting. How Pope Gregory combined Pagan traditions with Christian ideas was thought out very well. Through this, the Roman Catholic Church, or RCC, were able to make many people change their beliefs. I believe that the many traditions that were created from this "tactic" was very smart to have more people believe in the RCC, but nowadays, many people do not understand the true meaning of what is really being celebrated. However, there are some if not many, that do understand, and celebrate of what is suppose to be celebrated.

  5. The Roman Catholic Church's methods to converting people were very clever. As far as the holidays and traditions today, I think that to some people, there is still a lot of meaning behind the traditions and holidays, although probably not as much as there was 1500 years ago. However, I think that a lot of holidays have become nothing more than a chance for companies and stores to make a lot of money...Honestly, I think that today, to the average American family, in my opinion, holidays like Christmas have a lot more to do with spending time with family, and giving, but not so much about the birth of Jesus. I also know that a lot of people call themselves Christians and believe in Jesus and God, but a lot of people don't go to church or don't go very often. It just shows how much times have changed, when the church used to be the center of life for a lot of people, and it's not so much anymore.

  6. The Roman Catholic Church's tactics were very well planned in converting the Germanic people of Europe to become Christians. The strategies that they used were intelligently thought out. For example, when they were being dominated, the church stepped in and helped which then showed that God was on their side and began to believe. After generations have passed, people still know about what the Christian holidays mean and what they represent. Christians is one of the major religions in the world today. I think that it was a right move to use the tactics because of the conversions, now many other religions are founded by the Christian church.

  7. I think that Roman Catholic Church's tactics when it came to converting the Germanic people was very smart. It was very well thought out if they did not have a plan it probably would not be possible. I think that the Christian holidays are very smart too. It combined or at least compared the pagan culture to the Christian culture which got more people to convert to Christianity.In some cases people do not understand the religious implications of the days they celebrate. Some people think that Christmas is just a day people get gifts and it's all about Santa Clause. People think Easter is all about spring and birth when it is actually about the reformation. Many people don't know about All Saint's day anymore, or I didn't anyways. I think to some people its religious and to some its just a day to celebrate. Yes, I think that converting people was a good move. It spread Christianity to become one of the most recognized religions in the world. It is no longer just a small "fake" religion that one person created. I personally think that every way that the Christians did things were pretty successful.

  8. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church's tactics were indeed brilliant and well thought out. For example, even though they did not even have a plan in the first place the idea of converting people right after they were conquered was excellent because they tried implementing the Christian religion upon them when they were most weak. Also the thoughts of implementing Christian beliefs upon the Pagan holidays were clever as well. For example, Christmas is when they celebrate about exchanging gifts due to Saint Nicholas but at the same time they were teaching about how Jesus was born on Christmas Day. Another example would be Easter because they taught about how the resurrection occurred. I do believe that many people still celebrate these holidays for their religious implications. Unfortunately, some people don't understand the religious aspect of these holidays. In my mind I believe that their tactics were the correct way to go.

  9. When it comes to the tactics the Roman Catholic Church used to convert the Germanic people of Europe to Christianity, I believe that the tactics were indeed very clever. Way better than anything I could think of. Not only were Pagean ideas combined with those traditions of Christianity to allure people, but they were also being converted after they were conquered. Being conquered put them in a vulnerable state, thus making conversion easier for the Roman Catholic Church. I think that whenever people celebrate Christian holidays some do recognize the religious significance behind them. But, I do think there are more people in the world who just who don't understand the religious significance behind holidays than there are people who do understand. Looking back, I do think that the tactics to convert people to Christianity was the right move because today Christianity has many different denominations with many followers. It is also a widely recognized religion.

  10. The Roman Catholic Church's tactics were ingenious in the way that they converted people without really changing what they did. What they changed was simply why they did it. Using this strategy, they gained many individuals and got them to follow the ways of the RCC without much struggle.
    Concerning the Christian holidays and observances today, I don't believe everyone actually realizes why they are celebrating the holidays. If they do realize it, it's just an afterthought, but not the main reason why the holidays are celebrated. Of course, a fair amount of people actually take the holidays' meanings to heart and realize the true importance of them. However, not all 2 billion Christians do take the lessons and importances of these holidays seriously. As most everyone said above, they only place importance on the holiday because it's just one reason for celebrating, and yet another excuse to spend money and receive presents. However, the tactics of the RCC was the correct way to go because it was an efficient and rapid way to spread the ideas of Catholicism, and in their opinion, save the Germanic tribes of Europe.

  11. I think the tactics that the Roman Catholic churches used to convert the Germanic people was brilliant. I never really thought about how they would try to convert other people's beliefs. I guess I always thought that they just walked up to people and were like "Hey, Christian life is the life!" But, they put a lot of thought into how to convert people. I think that people today do know the implications of the day they celebrate, but they don't really celebrate it. Take Christmas for instance. Most people know that it is Jesus' birthday, yet no one really celebrates that, they celebrate the coming of Santa Clause.

  12. I believe that the original intent of the tactics used made it seem like a good idea at the time. The point was to help relate Christianity to the paganism people had been practicing earlier to help them better understand. It was a very effective plan, however, I think the backlash of it was that nowadays, people celebrate without knowing the real meanings of the holidays they're observing. Out of the 2 billion Christians in the world, I don't think that they all completely realize why they're celebrating, and simply get caught up in the benefits of that holiday. Such as Christmas. It's to celebrate the birth of Jesus, their Savior, yet most people look forward to it because of the traditional receiving of presents.

  13. Estefania.... I agree that the RCC had a good plan put in place, and I also think I couldn't have come up with anything like that. I liked how they used the cooperation between the church and the kings to convert people, and the way in which the church eased the pagan people into becoming Christians was very smart. I too think that it was the right decision for them to make.

  14. Keyli... I think you are correct in saying that people had to rely on the words of those teaching from the bible, because they weren't common then. I would say that another reason they followed whoever they thought was wise would be that in those days not having religious affiliations was frowned upon by other people, so peer pressure kind of took effect there. Also, when you're a peasant who can't read and know that there isn't much of a life before you, it's nice to have a place like a church to go to, and feel like you belong.

  15. Sydney, I agree with how you think there were both pros and cons to converting pagans to Christianity by relating things and holidays. I think it was a good idea for the time period, but over time many Christians have forgotten why they're celebrating and simply enjoy the benefits of celebrating.

  16. Madi, I never really thought about how the Church converted people to Christianity either. I guess I just thought that somehow word got around, but I never knew the specifics. They thought out a really good tactic. I do think that in our time though, it has backfired a little bit in that people don't realize the implications of the holidays they're celebrating, as you said.

  17. The tactics used by the Roman Catholic Church were very thought out. The plans must have taken months to prepare and to find a way to combine the pagan ideas with their own beliefs and ideas. The holidays were just another stepping stone for the RRC, to get their word or their gospel through Europe. That the holidays are still major events today, but people celebrate just for their own occasion to some people who don’t know the history or back round of that holiday. On the other hand, with the RCC and their involvement proved that their plan worked and now Christanity is one of the leading religions in the world. I think that this tactic was really smart and it proved that it did benefit for them in the long run. I was quite surprised and never seemed to stop and think on how the Catholic Church spread so rapidly.

  18. I believe that the tactics used by the Roman Catholic Church were very well planned and thought out, for example the way in which a King and his people would conquer a region and then the followers of the Church would come in and convert them. This is really smart because its some what of a win win situation where the King gets new territory and the Church gets more followers. One would like to think that if a person was a true Christian they would know the true meaning behind certain holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and All Saints Day, but this isn't always the case. Such people celebrate just because it is a holiday without knowing the religious meaning. I think that the tactics that were used by the early Roman Catholic Church to gain followers were a good idea they were able to gain a great number of converts and this made it easier to spread the religion.

  19. The Roman Catholic Church’s in my opinion the tactics were clever and savvy but, not very wise and in Christian nature. I believe that if you are going to join a religion it should be because you want to join. Not because it is being offered in a familiar way. In a way it was as if the church sold out to the pagan traditions. They would use the same building where the pagans worshipped and just introduce them to a different God. Yes, there was only a bit of influence but there shouldn’t have been any at all. I believe that in this day in age people do not in fact know that there jolly celebrations have religious influence. I think that people that don’t really have a religion just see holiday and celebrations as just normal days with no religious implications. They think Christmas is just a time to give and receive gifts and to see Santa in the mall. Yet, there are those that are religious that do observe them as not only festivities but also, also as religious traditions. Overall I think that many can call themselves Christian. Actually being an active and well-informed Christian is something that takes time, effort, and commitment. Anyone can claim to be anything, actually being and living it is totally different. The tactics were effective, but I believe it went against Christian morals.

  20. My thoughts on the Roman Catholic Church tactics were great. The RCC were actually pretty smart in incorporating some of the pagan traditions into the new christian ways. It would make for an easier transition for the Germanic people they were trying to convert. I dont think many christians know what the origins of some holidays are. I consider myself a good Catholic, but even i didnt know some of the reasons behind some holidays. Overall i think the tactics were great because it still brought in alot of followers and made Catholicism better known and widely accepted.

  21. The tactics that the Roman Catholic Church used to convert the Germanic people was a good one but at the same time I don’t think it was very smart. If their goal was to just convert as many people as they could then it was very smart. If it wasn’t then it wasn’t that smart because now people today aren’t really informed on their religion as they should be. I think that most of the people in the Christian religion don’t really know the religious implications of the days they celebrate. They probably do why they celebrate it but they might not know how that day they celebrate came to be. Though there are a few Christians who do know how those days came to be. Like I said in the beginning if their goal was to convert as many people as they could then they chose their tactics right.

  22. I think the Roman Catholic Church was very clever when it came to converting the Germanic people of Europe to Christianity by taking their familiar pagan traditions, and simply altering to make them Christian based. Although today major holiday icons such as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny often cover up a lot of the Christian implications, in many ways they still have not been completely forgotten. My matter of opinion on whether or not it was a good idea to convert what has become a two billion Christian population—coming from a Christian’s point of view—because I know very little about other religions, I sometimes see Christianity as being very relaxed, therefore I don’t think just because someone may have gone through the motions and did what they were told them to do does not actually make them a Christian.

  23. Estefania,
    I agree with your comment when you said that the Roman Catholic Church was very clever with the tactics they used to convert people to their religion. I also agree that there are a lot of people who do not recognize the religious significance behind holidays like Christmas anymore. I think a lot of people know that Christmas is supposed to be a celebration about the birth of Jesus, but I don’t think that there are as many people who honor that tradition as there maybe used to be. Good job cuz!!

    I agree with you that maybe their methods weren’t so wise…You would think that to be a “good Christian,” you would want the people to convert willingly, because that’s what they want. Not because it’s familiar to them or because that’s what the masses are doing. I do think that some people do realize the religious meaning behind some of the holidays, but I don’t think that that’s the main reason behind the holidays anymore. Although some people do recognize the religious importance behind holidays like Christmas, I don’t think that there’s as many as there were like a thousand years ago.

  24. When it came to converting the Germanic peoples of Europe the Roman Catholic Church's tactics I thought were very well thought and smart. At the same time I would have to say their methods weren't very wise. I think now for most people its just another day to celebrate. Very few people actually understand the religious implications of their celebrations. The tactics were the right moves in my opinion.

  25. Olivia,
    I agree with your comment that i also see christians as being relaxed. I know people who go through the motions and do not take it seriously, therefore i believe they are not christian. Many people might follow and practice christian beliefs, but they have forgot where those beliefs came from.

    I agree with how the church and the kings benefitted from eachother. When they would conquer a certain area of land, they would gain more territory. The priest also liked this because they would be able to convert even more into christianity.

  26. The Roman Catholic Church used brilliant, yet simple tactics that were very successful in converting the Germanic peoples of Europe to Christianity. Using military leaders to conquer land for the Church, then giving them some of the land and having many new people to convert to Christianity was very effective. Also, the use of modifying old traditional Pagan holidays to adopt Christian ideas was a smart way to make becoming a Christian easy and more familiar.

  27. I feel as though the Roman Catholic Church was very smart in the way that they converted the Germanic people. Turing pagan traditions into Christian ways made things more interesting for people I think. Not many people know about the significance of holidays now. Back then, they knew what the meaning of the holiday was but then it seems as though the main focus has come to gifts, and food rather than honoring the significance of the holiday. I think the tactics were smart but now they don't seem to be anymore because people don't understand the meaning of certain holidays. More people are saying that they are Christians, and that they go to church but many of them still don't BELIEVE. They seem to be trying to fake their way into heaven

  28. Katherine: I liked what you said on the tactics that the Church used. I thought the same thing. I liked that you made your opinion lengthy. It was nicely thought out.

    Zulema: I agree with a lot of what you said. I liked how well i could understand it and how it was not that long yet long enough.

  29. Olivia,
    I completely agree with you about how Christian's have "become relaxed." In my opinion, people think that God forgives us of our sins so they don't have to worry about sinning "God forgives us for our sins so we will go to Heaven no matter what. That is the way I feel that people act now.

    I agree with you that people should want to become Christians rather than being forced to. You are right that it takes time, effort and commitment. It's much easier said than done but once you set your mind to it you can do anything.

  30. I thought the way the Roman Catholic church's method was genius nothing better than a King to come in conquer and then have the church go in and say hey we can help you get over it just join us. I don't think that people understand the religion. Now Christmas is just "look I got a 360 from Uncle Bob and a Iphone from Aunt Suzy" it's no longer looking at the Birth of Jesus Christ. Same with Easter now it's just looking for hidden eggs with candy or getting a chocolate bunny. It's no longer seeing that Jesus rose on Easter day. Most people say they're Christian and sometimes use it as an excuse to do whatever they want.

  31. Carlos:
    I have to say that I agree with you in the respects of the RCC's genius tactics. I also found it entertaining to read your opinions about how people may react to celebrating Christmas and Easter. More and more people are interested in recognizing the Pagan ideas in the holiday as opposed to the Christian traditions. However,I didn't really quiet agree with you when you said that most people use "I'm Christian" excuse to do whatever they want. Are you insinuating that Christians use their religion/ religious views to get away with things?

    Like I mentioned to Carlos, I agree with you that the RCC's tactics were clever. Although I didn't think about it I also think that someone should join a religion only because they want to and not because they are, in a way, being forced to join or convert. Of course there people who don't recognize the religious definitions of holidays such as Christmas and Easter possibly because they are not committed to a religion, like you mentioned. With that said, looking back I also think that, although effective and clever, the tactics went against Christian morals.

  32. Sergio- I agree that the RCC was very smart using pagan traditions into the new christian ways. I agree that it would make an easier transition for the Germanic Tribes. I also agree that many christians don't know the origins. I agree that tactics very good. This was a very nice comment and very simple.

    Sam- I agree that the RCC used smart, yet simple tactics to convert the Germanic people to Christianity. I agree that Using Military Leaders to conquer land for the Church to convert more people was very smart also. I say that using old pagan traditions to create Christian holidays mad it easier to convert into a Christian.

  33. Stefani- Thank you. Well yeah most Christians forget the value of Christmas and Easter. I see now that "Christmas" movies are now about Santa Claus and oh look he has to marry someone to become Santa Clause or Oh No Santa Claus won't deliver presents. Same with Easter the symbol is now a Bunny who lays eggs. The symbol should be the Cross and Jesus rising. Christmas movies should be about Jesus and the day he was born not about Santa Claus or atleast about miracles movies that has miracles in it. That has no Santa Claus in it. What I meant by people using Christianity as an excuse is that some use it as like oh hey I'm a Good Christian that makes me better than you. I'm going to admit I have family members who are like who are really fanatics. They consider themselves over everyone else. Those aren't "Good" Christian. The Christian religion shows of equality.

    Sam- I agree on how their tactics were brilliant but simple. They were genius at these tactics. They were smart at combining Pagan and Christian traditions together to make converting easier. What I thought they should have though is gradually push the Pagan tradition out because now it's more Pagan than Christian. Do you get what I mean? That's just an opinion of mine

  34. Sergio-- I agree and also thought that the tactics used by the Roman Catholic Church to convert the germanic people and gain more followers were very well planned out. I also thought it was interesting what you said about being a Catholic and not being aware of the religious meaning behind certain holidays. I am also a Catholic but before now I only knew that their was a religious implication on some holidays but didnt know exactly what that was.

    Madi-- I liked the idea you presented on how people do actually know the religious implications of certain holidays but choose to celebrate them differently anways. Its very true many do know that Christmas is Jesus's birthday but they still choose to celebrate with gifts from Santa.

  35. Olivia
    I agree with you that it was a very clever on how they changed their Pagan traditions to Christian base. Also I agree that some major icons like the Easter bunny and Santa Claus may have become more important to some people instead of the religious aspect that is taught on those days.

    I agree with you when it comes to being geniuses to having Kings conquer new lands and converting the people of the land into more Christians. I also agree that people use the old "I'm a Christian" excuse but don't forget that there is still an enormous group of Christians that still believe in the religious aspect of the Holidays.

  36. I think the strategies used by the Roman Catholics, when it came to converting the Germanic people of Europe, were cleaver. For example since the resurrection of Jesus occurred in the spring, priests used Easter, which is in Spring, to teach about the resurrection. It was also easier for the Roman Catholics to convert the lower class people because most were illiterate and they depended on the Priests for their understanding of the scriptures. As far as the Christian Holidays and observances today most people dont even know the importance. I think that today it is more important to have the day of work/school than to know the significance of the Holiday.

  37. Carlos, somewhat agree with what you said.
    I agree with you that on easter and christmas SOME people just look for the presents and dont even ask "why do we celebrate this" or "what is the significance of this day". But what do you mean by "Most people say they are Christians and sometimes use it to do what ever they want" ?

  38. Teresita, I agree with what you said. If their goal was to get as many people possible to convert than yes they were good tactics. I also agree that many Christians do not know the importance of the Holidays.

  39. Kevin,
    I agree with you. They were smart when it came to converting people to their faith. I hadn't really thought of the holiday's as something important but it is interesting to think that some of them were pagan and then they were converted into a more Christian tradition. Yes it is up to the people to exercise their own faith.

    Now that you mention it, it must have taken them months to find a way to combine the pagan's ideas with their own beliefs/ideas in order to get more people to join their religion. I think there are some people who know the history of the holiday they are celebrating, and there is some people who celebrate both because they just want to celebrate and because they know the real importance of the holiday.

  40. IRMA---
    I agree with you that the strategies were cleaver. You did do a good job mentioning how every holiday that the Christians celebrates relates to something that happened in the past. I would have to say that it was not that easy to convert the people that did not know how to read because they could have doubted the church and its beliefs.

    I totally agree with you that some of the Christians don't know what the holidays really mean. Also way to be straight up with the fact that you do not know what some of the holidays we celebrate really mean.

  41. Zuelema, I agree with what you said about true Christians and how they should know what they are celebrating if they are Christians and celebrate the holidays, they should know the background to it. I think that many people forget why the celebrate it or get lost in the thought about the holiday rather than the religious beliefs behind it.

    Olivia, I agree that the Christian beliefs have come "relaxed" because some people don't understand the religious implications of holidays. However, I think it is the person's job as a Christian to learn the religious side of the holiday to verify with the church their beliefs that they are not only enjoying the holiday, but they are aware of why they are celebrating it.

  42. Sergio, I agree on your comment and I also thought that it was very smart on the RCC that they combined pagan traditions with theirs. Through this process, they were able to convert many people. And I agree that most people don't exactly comprehend the meaning or the true value of the many holidays that we have today. I for one, also didn't know some of the reasons for the holidays that we celebrate today.

    Hugo, I also do think that the RCC tactic was a good way to, and to top it off, how they would convert people after being conquered was pretty smart of them to do. Yes, their tactic was very successful, but hopefully throughout the future, there will be more people understanding what they really are celebrating.

  43. Jessica – I completely agree with what you said about American holidays. Times really have changed. For better or for worse, you made your points very clear and easy to follow. Well Done.

    Stefani- I do concede that going after people had been conquered was a stroke of genius from their part. I may not agree with the pagan influence but, I appreciate good strategizing. Good Job.

  44. Sergio,
    I too agree with the fact that even I didn't know some of the more detailed aspects of religious based holidays despite my personal religion. Also, I can also say it is obvious that the tactics the Roman Catholic Church converted were successful not just because of all the Catholics we have today, but Christians in general.

    Although you present an argument concerning how Christians view themselves and how others view them, it's merely an argument. The evidence isn't there for that broad of an opinion to be based around the fact that a child would rather look for an easter egg than sit in church and learn about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who's to say whether a majority or even half of the Christians today support either idea? I imagine a study like that would take years and still be significantly inaccurate.

  45. Madi,
    I also thought that the Christians just walked up to people and told them to just join without having to convince the Germanic Tribes. Also, I agree in that people celebrate holidays in a way, but they don't really take in the meaning of the holiday. They really just use the holiday as an excuse to celebrate other things.

    I was also confused on some of the origins of holidays. I had a general idea of where they came from, but i didn't really know their origin or the reason why we have some traditions (Christmas trees). When the RCC used the tactics they did, we learned that they used traditions such as Christmas trees and tied them into Christian holidays.

  46. Carlos-- I agree with what you say about both topics. I too think that the tactics used to convert people were extremely smart. I thought that your post was funny when it came to the holiday part. Good job. :)

    Katherine-- I like your post. It really made me think alot. The first time I read it, I kind of got a bit defensive, but I reread it and you make it a very good point. I think that yes it was unchristian like, but at the same time it was still clever.

  47. Kevin- I do agree with you because what you said is practically what I had thought too. The church was very smart the way they converted people to be a part of their church as well. I have to disagree with you on the part where you said you don't think anyone understands the holidays because I think some people do know what they celebrate.

    Madi- I love what you put because obviously it shows that you really did learn something new. What you put about the holidays is kind of what I was thinking, but didn't know how to say it. People do understand the holidays, but don't exactly celebrate what the holiday really is.

  48. Sergio,
    Yea i agree it was pretty smart how they converted all those people. By combining the pagan days with the RCC own ideas. But how people don't celebrate for the religious reason. But celebrate for their own ways.

    Yea i totally agree how some people don't look at the religious side of the holidays but look towards gifts. Back then it was all about the faith and it seems like it has faded like now the world looks at the presents. But i was very clever how the RCC converter people into the church with their new ideas. That now some people say their good christians but don't follow really all that well. Like you said Sally their cheating their way into heaven.

  49. Sydney,
    I agree with you're opinion that the Roman Catholic Church was very clever. Their tactic of modifying traditional Pagan holidays was brilliant, in my opinion. Even though there are many people who celebrate these holidays without a religious meaning, the fact that there are currently over two billion self-proclaimed Christians celebrating these holidays makes them extremely successful.

    I agree that the Roman Catholic Church made some smart moves for the future of their church. Like you said, even though there are many Christians who don't think about the religious aspect of their holidays, these holidays have had a gigantic impact on the number of followers of the Christian faith.


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