Monday, September 6, 2010


What do you already know about Islam?  What are your opinions of the faith?  What would you like to learn about the faith?


  1. I know that Allah is the person who they believe to be God. Muhammad is the muslim prophet and that they are monotheistic, other than that i would probably not be able to say much of what i know right away but, i can recall the facts once we go over them. For instance i did not remember the Five Pillars of Faith but once we went over them in class they came back to my mind from Geography. Another thing i already know is that Muslims must travel to Mecca at least once in their life time. I think that their faith is somewhat similar to christianity except their God is Allah.
    I would like to learn more about the believes muslim people have and how everything traces back to Abraham.

  2. I did not know that much about Islam. The only information I know was that Allah was who they believe was their God. Also I knew that there was a black meteorite that they worshiped. I can also recall that they were the religion that did some pretty extreme fasting. They have some similarities to Christianity in the notions that they believed that Allah and God were the same from both Islam and Christian religions and that both religions begin from the old testament and go back all the way to the Covenant that Abraham made with God. My opinion on their faith is that they take their worship seriously because they pray up to 5 times a day and also when they pray they must be facing towards Mecca, or if they live in Mecca, towards the Ka bah. They are a group of extremely religious Muslims. I'm not to sure exactly what I would want to learn about their faith except for the fact for why do they fast for Ramadan and why exactly is Ramadan important for them?

  3. Before learning about the Muslim's faith of Islam, I didn't know much about it. I was aware that fasting occurred in Islam and that they worshipped Mecca. I also knew that it was required of them to visit Mecca at least once in their life if they had the money to support them to travel. My opinions of the faith are that I think the religion is very different from the Christian ways but I have respect for the Muslims and the religion. I also believe that they are very dedicated to their religion and that they take their studying and praying seriously. I also think that the Five Pillars of Faith are kind of like the commandments of Christians except for the content of the rules of course. Because of this, I understand how important it is for them to live by the Five Pillars of Faith. I would like to learn more about how all of the Muslim beliefs tie in with the Christian's beliefs. Other than that, I like this topic and I have continuous respect for the Islam religion.

  4. Well I already had a good idea of the Islamic religion, that they see Allah as their God. How Christianity and Islam have some stuff in common, but on the other hand views, ideas and beliefs are in a totally different way. Which for the most part, I find this information very fascinating. I knew for that that both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic, but some followers of Islam and Christianity followers see Allah and God as the same being, but others do not see eye to eye with this proposition. Some Christian faiths have prophets leading them today which, Islamic say that Muhammad was the last prophet. In the end both Islamic and Christianity roots trace back to Abraham, were the Sons both Ishmael and Isaac. Were viewed differently back a thousand years ago, but still today that wages on, which son had God on their side?

  5. I knew some details about Islam such as they fast for a lunar month known as Ramadan and they worship Allah. Other than that, I was pretty vague on the subject. After learning about Islam and comparing some aspects of it with Christianity and Judaism, I think that it's pretty similar to teachings that most people follow today. I find it interesting that the people were able to go from a polytheistic religion to a monotheistic religion so quickly. Then again, it was easier for them to accept the new faith seeing as they were already familiar with Allah. In a way Muhammad and Pope Gregory the Great used the same technique to convert many people. One thing I would like to learn more about would be which day of the year Allah was originally worshiped on the pagan calendar.

  6. Before learning about the religion I did not know much about it. All I knew was Allah was who they believed to be their God. Also that somehow Muslims had to do something with the Islam religion. I already knew they must travel to Mecca at least once in their life if it's possible. I think Christianity and Islam are somewhat the same yet different. They have similar beliefs. For example they both value the city of Jerusalem, trace ancestry back to Abraham, and they both have Holy Texts. I would like to learn how the Christian beliefs and the Islams tie together.

  7. I really had no idea what the religion Islam really was. I did know that they praise Allah and that Muhammad was an important person in their faith. My opinions about the faith is that they are very very religious. For example, they really enforce the fact that they have to pray 5 times a day. If I was Muslim I would not like the fact that I could not eat for one month, because I love to eat and I would probably die without food. I also think that it is unhealthy to be doing that to your own body. I really don't know what I would like to learn more about because I have more to learn about this religion.

  8. Honestly, I don't like writing on these blog things because they make me look like an idiot. I really had no clue about the Islam or Muslims. I know that Muslims died for their religion, such as the the attack on the World Trade Center. I also knew that they worships a god, I didn't know which one, but I knew that they prayed a lot and fasted as well. I learned a lot this lesson. One thing that I thought was very interesting was the connections between the Muslim religion and Christianity beliefs. I thought it was interesting how the Muslims traced their beginning to Abraham, just like the Christians. Also, that is it a possibility that Allah and God could possibly be the same person. I think if that was true, it would be a very crazy thing. I would like to learn more about everything. The one thing I am maybe most interested in is what some holidays are and why they fast.

  9. I didn't know much about this religion. I knew they were called Muslims and the Ramadan was a holiday. I truly respect the religion of Islam I respect every religion too but we're focused on just Islam. I thought that Islam was a religion that was not related to Judaism and Christianity. After this weeks lecture I learned that what I thought was true was wrong. My opinion of Islam is that it's a very nice religion so complex and yet simple compared to other religions. I would like to learn more about Islam before Muhammed and of the idols they use to worship.

  10. Diana-- I agree with what you are saying. I too had no idea about the Muslim relgion. I also agree with you that they are very religious. They are strict in a way with all the things that you have to do. Also, I was more curious about the whole idea of fasting. Good job. :)

    Sydney-- You did a good job with your post and I can read it very clearly. I didn't know that they worshiped in Mecca and I think it is very interesting that when they pray, they face towards the direction that Mecca is located from where they are standing. You're lucky that you had some knowledge prior to learning this because I am clueless. :)

  11. Before this week, all I knew about the Islamic religion, was that Allah is their god and the Quran is their sacred text. My opinions on the Muslim religion?? I don't really have any, but I respect everyone's religion and beliefs. I think it'll be interesting to learn about the Islamic religion and their beliefs, because I really don't know a lot about it.
    Also, I do not judge an entire religion base on terrorists of that same religion. I know that this is slightly off topic, but I still want to include this in my post. I don't know if a lot of people have heard about this, but I heard on the news that a church down in Florida is planning on burning a bunch of Qurans on September 11th. I understand that what those terrorists did to our country is unforgivable, and unforgettable, but it was the act of a terrorist group and not of an entire religion. By burning these sacred books, they are insulting an entire religion, with millions of INNOCENT people and their beliefs. What shocks me the most is that it's a CHURCH that's planning this, and I have always thought of churches (of all denominations and religions) as understanding of other religions, even if they don't agree with all the beliefs and practices.
    Sorry if that was kind of random, but I was just thinking about it...

  12. To be quiet honest, I really didn't know anything about the Islam faith/ religion. I had only heard the term Allah mentioned at times but I could never pinpoint which religion used the name. I don't really have an opinion about the Islam faith. To me, it's just like any other religion. Of course with their own set of beliefs and morals. Like Carlos said, it was shocking to learn that Islam is related in some ways to Christianity and Judaism. I look forward to learning more about what certain Holidays Muslims celebrate/ observe.

  13. I knew a little bit about the Islamic religion. I knew that Allah was know as the god. I knew that Muhammad was one of the main prophets. I knew that Ramadan was a period of fasting. I knew that the city of Mecca is really Important. I didn't know why is was Sacred. I also knew that the city of Jerusalem is very important to the Jewish people. I don't really have an opinion on the faith, except for their religion is different compared to my beliefs. What I want to learn about this religion is the transportation methods used by Muhammad. I want to learn about the expansion process and how far they expanded.I want to learn about all the problems this religion had such as other religions taking over their conquered land.

  14. What I already know about the Islam faith is that they believe in one God, Allah, and that they believe in Muhammad which they call the last prophet. I also know that they have to pray five times a day facing Mecca. They also have to give to the needy. I don’t really have an opinion about the religion because I am neutral and I would have to know more to give an exact opinion. I would like to learn more of their rules and I would also like to learn more about what they believe in.

  15. Before this weeks discussion over Islam there were a few things about the religion that I was familiar with. In Geography I remember learning about the five pillars of Islam. I also already knew that the followers of Islam worshipped Allah and believed that he was the God. I also remember learning that muslims are required to visit Mecca at least once in their life time. Because I still don't know a whole lot about the religion of Islam I don't really have an opinion of the faith. I would like to learn more about the ties between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

  16. Rosie....I agree with your statement that Islam and Christianity is the same, yet different. I think it might tie back to the Five Pillars of Faith. For Muslims, they have to "confess" that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad was his prophet. I think that the basic principles of Islam and Christianity are the same, but Muslims appear more open to the world about their beliefs because it is a requirement for them, if that makes sense.

  17. Zulema... I too would like to learn more about the ties between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. It's intriguing how they all claim roots to Abraham, and that each one claims to be the covenant people of God. I find it fascinating that they all have similarities and differences, some between two religions and some with all three. For example, one aspect that they all agree on is that there is one god, but Christians and Jews say that he is God, and Muslims proclaim him as Allah.

  18. What I know now, as opposed to what I knew before class discussions about Islam, has significantly increased. Previous to our lessons, all I knew was Muhammad was an important person to the religion and they prayed five times a day facing a certain direction in which I did not know. Now, I have learned about how the religion came about and why Muhammad was important, events that happened during the rise of Islam, key beliefs, and similarities and differences it shares with Christianity and Judaism. To form a solid opinion about Islam, I think I would need at least a bit more information. As of now, however, I see it as a slightly more strict religion when compared to others, and slightly more complex. The main concept I would definitely like to learn about Islam is that of their belief that Abraham sacrificed Ishmael, as averse to the Judaism and Christian belief that Abraham sacrificed Isaac. Also, I would like to learn about how it managed to rise in the first place seeing as how many did not believe in what Muhammad was telling them.

  19. Olivia-- I agree with you and my knowledge over the topic of Islam has also increased quite a bit. I also agree with what you said about the religion seeming to be slightly more strict compared to that of Christianity and Judaism. I think part of what makes it strict is that their food restrictions seem more harsh because they fast for longer periods of time.

    Diana-- I agree with what you said about how the followers of Islam come off as more religious because it is enforced, and also a part of the Five Pillars of Faith that they pray five times a day facing Mecca. But, if you really think about it I bet many Christians or Jewish also pray five times a day or more without it being enforced. I also wouldn't like fasting either, its crazy how they can go a month without food.

  20. To be completely honest, I didn't know very much about Islam at all. I've heard about some things but I never expanded my understandings of it. Pretty much the only thing I knew was that Muslims worshiped Allah. I didn't even really know who they understood Allah to be. After the class discussions and notes, I gained a lot more knowledge of the Islam religion. I learned more about their religion in general and about the Five Pillars of Faith. I also learned that they pray five times a day and they face a certain direction when they do so. I don't really have an opinion about Islam. Everybody has their own faith and their own belief. I think some of the things that they believe to be true could possibly be wrong but what religion isn't like that. I want to learn more about their beliefs and also more about the similarities and differences with Christianity and Judaism.

  21. Jessica,
    I was very interested in what you said you heard on the news. I agree that it is quite shocking that a church is planning that, even though they always teach and tell people that they need to forgive.

    I completely agree with you about the whole fasting thing. I think it would be very difficult to fast for that amount of time. It's even hard going like 3 hours without food. I also agree that their religion does seem very strict.

  22. I knew somethings about the Islamic religion. Muslims are the ones who practice this religion. They believe that Allah is their one and only God. The Qur'an or however you spell it is the book they go by. I know that they don't like it when people say it's like their bible, but that's the only way I know that people can explain it. I'm not sure of much that's in the Qur'an. i don't like to say bad things about anyone's faith, because everyone has their choice of which religion they want to be a part of. I think that Muslims are really strict so I don't know if I could handle that, but I bet it's easier for them because they grow up with the religion. I want to learn more about what is in the Qur'an.

  23. Hugo, I agree with you that the Muslims are very religious because they pray 5 times a day. I also would like to learn more about the fasting and why they have to give up certain things.

    Olivia, I agree with you in wondering how the Muslims became followers when most of them didn't believe in Muhammad's message at first. I think it is interesting that there are still so many followers today and that the message was believed the second time that Muhammad tried to spread his word.

  24. Jessica, I think your post is really interesting. I agree with you in the fact that I've always thought of churches being respectable and welcome to anyone. For them to be planning to burn Qur'ans is horrible. I hope they don't end up doing it, because it just makes the Churches look worst.
    Just like you, I mostly only about the Qur'an and Allah in the Islam religion.

    Diana, I get your points on why you would not like to be part of their religion. I too love food and would feel so empty without it for a month. Even though we don't think we could do it, muslims are probably used to it because they grew up in that religion. They are very strict and most of us are not used to that. The Islamic religion is one I don want to find out more about.

  25. I don't know much about Islam, except for the fact that they are mostly from the Middle East. Also, from our discussions, I have learned that they worship Allah and that Muhammad was the last prophet sent, meaning that they are not expecting any more prophets. Before Muhammad taught them about their faith, they had 360 gods. However, Muhammad "straightened" them out and told them that they needed to worship only one god, Allah, and that he was the last prophet that Allah would send. Another thing I learned about Islam was that they always pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. If they are in Mecca, they face the Ka'bah. Muslims have 5 pillars of faith that can be compared to the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. My opinions on the faith are that this is an interesting religion and that it must have been hard to switch from worshipping 360 gods to worshipping only one. They are also very strict because of their fasts and they can be compared to Judaism in this aspect. What I would like to learn are more details about Islam. What kinds of holidays do they have and what do they do to celebrate these holidays? Are the 360 gods still recognized as respectable other-worldly beings or are they simply forgotten? What are other things that Muslims do to celebrate their faith?

  26. Rosie,
    Ha yea same here i really didn't know much about the Islamic religion, i did know about how Allah is their God. I had no idea that they had to travel to Mecca once in their life time. But Christianity and Islam only have very few things in common, it sort depends on what subject your talking about. Other than that they don't really see eye to eye.

    This week i too learned a lot about the Islamic religion. The five pillars of faith i really had no clue of until our discussion , i also knew that they worshiped Allah. Then how others see God and Allah as the same being, which is very confusing. But the ties do lead back to Abraham, and his two sons Ishmael and Isaac.

  27. I don't know much about Islam, except that their god is Allah, and that they consider Muhammad as a great prophet. I've learned that they used to worship many gods, but Muhammad converted them to only worshipping one god, Allah. I also learned that they pray facing towards Mecca, in whatever direction that may be from where they are in the world. They pray five times a day. They also have the 5 Pillars of Faith in their religion, in addition to the writings of the Qu'ran, which they consider Holy Text. I consider the religion very strict, and I'm not sure that I could ever practice it because of that strictness. I also think it must have been really hard for the them to go from worshiping one god every day of the year to just worshiping one all the time. I have questions about their holidays, like what holidays do they celebrate, and what do they symbolize to the religion.

  28. Isabel, I didn't really know much about Islamic religion either. I agree with you that the 5 Pillars of Faith seem like the 7 Sacraments of Christianity. I also agree that it must've been hard for them to switch from such a large polytheistic base to monotheistic. I would also like to learn more about their holidays and whether the other gods were forgotten.

  29. Olivia, I really didn't have any knowledge about Islam except for Allah being their god and Muhammad being a prophet. So I agree with you that the discussions this week taught me a lot about the religion, like the 5 Pillars of Faith, fasting, different rules and key things that they observe. I would also like to have a bit more information on Islam to expand my opinion on it, like how people came to slowly believe Muhammad, too.

  30. IRMA--
    I agree with you when you said that their faith is similar to Christianity's. A thought just came to my mind like Muslims fast for a month and Christians give up something for 40 days. Which is kinda the same thing but in different meanings.

    I really like your post and I think that it is true, people should not make other people suffer just because of what some of their people did wrong and they should not be the ones to blame. It is also sad to hear that a church would want to do that because aren't churches supposed to stay neutral and not harm anyone?

  31. Before going into this topic, I had a good idea of what Islam is and some of the information that we learned during class. But, Frankly, most of the information that I knew were skeptical. For instance, I did know, that Muslims had to pray towards Mecca, and if they were present, then they would face the Ka'bah. But I heard (or read), that they did five times a day or so. I wasn't too sure if they did this or not, but going over it in class sure helped me prove that correct. As we went on with the lesson, we went over fasting. It's kind of interesting, but at the same time weird that they go on for days without eating. I wouldn't mind knowing why they do such a thing, and for what purposes

  32. Jessica- Yeah was kind of topic...anyways it is quite interesting. The things that have been done in the past are unforgettable and unforgivable, but yes your right, I don't think that they should punish them by burning their sacred texts because of some terrorist group.

    Kelli- Honestly, I didn't know much about Islam except for a few things. I knew that Allah was their God and all, but I never would have guessed that many people think that Allah and God are the same being. I thought that was quite interesting and wouldn't mind learning some more about this topic.

  33. I did know many things about Islam. I knew a couple like that Allah is their God, they are muslims, and that their sacred book is the Qu' Ran. Although i wasn't here on Wed. i have been hearing a lot about muslims on the news. Ive heard that they want to build a mosque on Ground Zero. A lot of people don't like this because that is where the Twin Towers went down. Personally i don't blame all of Islam for what happened, i would like to learn what beliefs it has to offer.

  34. Diana: I liked how to the point your paragraph was. It was a nice length, but do you really not have any questions about this?

    Carlos: I liked your paragraph. It was good and it stated your opinion well.

  35. Hugo,
    The Muslims seem like a pretty "extreme" religion to me too. To have to fast for a whole month seems insane compared to what other religions that I know about do. I also agree in that they take their religion seriously because they pray 5 times a day and that they are required to pray toward Mecca. I also don't understand the reason for their fasting during Ramadan and I'd like to learn about that too.

    I didn't know much about Islam either. Before our discussions this week, I also thought that the religion of Islam was unrelated to Christianity and Judaism, but it ended up being that Islam was quite similar to Judaism and Christianity. However, I think that the religion of Islam is just as complicated as any other religion with their own set of rules and their own holidays.

  36. Diana :),
    Just like you I didn't really know what the religion of Islam really was. I agree with you when you said that the faith is "very very religious." I do think the followers of the Islam faith are religious, and are strict on themselves for doing so. It's also interesting to see how Muslims can survive fasting for up to a month sometimes when it is essentially unhealthy for your body like you mentioned.

    Franklin Ibarra,
    I can't say that, like you, I was skeptical before this week's discussions. Mainly because I didn't really know anything about the Islam faith. But, if I had known that they prayed five times a day facing Mecca then I too would have been a bit skeptical. It is a bit strange knowing that Muslims go days without eating, but they do it for their religion so it must be a good thing for them to do. It will be interesting to learn as to why Muslims fast.

  37. Madi,
    I don't like writing on here either I feel the same. Like you I didn't know much about Islam or Muslims, I learned a lot, and found the connections between them interesting. I would also like to know more about their holidays and why they fast.

    I didn't know as much as you did. Like I don't know much about their religion I also don't know much about yours and even though it doesn't have much to do with our topic I would like to learn more about our religion as well. I would also like to learn more about the problems this religion faced and of other religions conquering them or them conquering other religions.

  38. hugo,
    i also think that they take their religious believes seriously, with them praying five times a the way didn't tyson have some problems last year because of their praying...

  39. Keyli,
    i did not know that some got mad because of others referred to the Qu ran...yes thats how u spell it... and i think that its a strict religion too...honestly i can barely pray once a day. I don't know if i would be able to go without eating because i love food haha. I guess its a sacrifice for them.

  40. Teresita- Thank you. I thought though that it wasn't as good as the first one I wrote though. The first one I wrote was longer and I explained more. The reason the first one is not on is that I forgot to long on and I wrote it then realized that I didn't log in. So I was going to copy and paste it back on after I was done logging in. In between the log in I saw a funny video on youtube and forgot that I had my blog and ended up copying and pasting the URL to Hugo so I lost my first comment.

    Isabel- Yeah you're right about the complexity about the religion but I didn't know it was that complex.

  41. Keyli-
    I agree with you that the Qur'an is special to the Muslims and its something that they grow up with and that's why it seems strict to everybody else. I too also want to know more about the Qur'an.

    I knew that they had to pray many times but i didn't know that they did it 5 times while facing Mecca. Also I want to know exactly why they do the fasting that they do and is there a specific reason for doing this or is it a custom that someone just did and everybody did it after wards as a tradition.

  42. Franklin,
    I can relate with you, because i also did not know that muslims had to pray in the direction of Mecca. I also didnt know that they actually prayed many, many times a day. Going over some of it in class helped lots.

    I agree when you say that all i really knew was that they were from the Middle East. I didnt know that once theyre in Mecca that they have to face a certain direction there as well.

  43. Diana- I didn't really know what Islamic Faith was except for what we learned in Geography class. I also knew about Allah being the god and Muhammad being the prophet. Yes, I would agree with you that they Muslims are very religious. I think the example you gave is very true praying 5 times a day is very religious. For fasting they only didn't eat from Sun up to Sun down they can eat as much as they want after and before those times so I think fasting wouldn't be that hard. Good job.

    Teresita- I also knew that they had one god and that, he was Allah. I knew that they also believed that Muhammad was a prophet. I din't know that they faced Mecca 5 times to pray. I didn't know they give to the needy. I don't have an opinion on religion either. I also would like to learn what you want to learn. Good Job.

  44. Sydney,
    I too believe that Muslims are very dedicated to their religion and take all of their values very seriously. Also, I agree that pursuing the Five Pillars of Faith is almost identical to that of Catholics following the Seven Commandments. With that said, it is easy to realize how important the Five Pillars of Faith are to Islam.

    In agreement with what I mentioned to Sydney, I also recognized Islam as a very stern religion. Their beliefs and actions concerning their faith are very rigorous. I had never thought about the many different holidays there could be to celebrate that are relevant to their religion. I would also be interested in further studying that concept.

  45. Isabel,
    Like you, I really didn't know very much about the Muslim religion before last week. Also like you, I am curious about those other 360 gods and other traditions that Muslim practice. Good job. :)

    I also knew that the Quran is their holy book as well as that Allah is their god. I agree that I respect them for their choice of religion, and also that their religion seems very strict.

  46. All I know about Islam is the "basics". Islam is a monotheistic faith that is focused on a god called Allah. Allah had sent many prophets to guide the people of the Islamic faith, the most important of them being Muhammad. Muhammad wrote about the Five Pillars of Faith in the Qu'ran, which are the five main ideas/practices of the Islamic faith. I think Islam is a very strict faith that one would have to follow with extreme dedication. This means that the people who participate in this faith are very strong-willed.

  47. Rosie: For the most part, coming into this week I was in the same boat as you were. I was not well educated on the religion of Islam. My knowledge of the topic was basically that they worshipped one god, called Allah. My opinion is similar to yours, also.

    Olivia: Similarly to you, I did not have a large base of knowledge of Islam before this week. During the week, however, I learned much more about Islam, including the Five Pillars of Faith, the early history, and Muhammad's decisions which set Islam apart from Christianity. I would also like to learn more about the beginning of Islam.

  48. Honestly, I don’t know that much about Islam. I know that they have one God, that being Allah and that their version of a holy book is the Qur'an.
    I believe that the faith is just that, a faith. It’s not better or worse than any other. Yes, some of the practices seem rather odd to someone used to Christian or Catholic practices. I would love to better understand why they are so strict in their worship.

  49. Teresita de los arboles- I am completely with you on the neutral position that you have taken. It is much easier to misjudge without knowing something in full detail. For that, I applaud you. Great Job!

    Stef-ani - I totally agree, I never really knew much about Islam until now. It had never been a topic that really comes up. I liked that it was very precise and to the point. Good Job


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