Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My opinion has altered dramatically about the Judaism and Jewish people in many ways. I didn't know that Jewish people have had to undergo so many invasions and have their territory conquered so many times. I didn't know that Jerusalem was being shared by both the Jews and the Muslims. My opinion about h0w enduring the Jews are changed when I learned that they returned back to their land in the 1800s after have to flee their homeland.


  1. I think most of the things you didn't know, I didn't know either. Jerusalem is still being fought for though isn't it? Or am I wrong? Well it was good reading your response. :)

  2. Syd, I agree with what you said about your opinion. I too didn't know that so many dramatic events that happened to the Jewish people countless times. I didn't know that they had so many hardships. Good job.

  3. My opinion about the Jews altered, too. I didn't know about them being conquered so many times either. It must have been extremely hard for them to have to suffer through all that. Nice job.


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