Monday, August 23, 2010

Judaism Thoughts

How has your opinion changed/altered since our discussion about Judaism & Jewish people?  Provide specific examples as to what your opinions were and how it is different know.


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  3. Well I never really had an opinion over Judaism and Jewish people but what I thought I knew before was different than what I did learn. I learned that the Jewish people had a tougher life than I thought they had. I always thought the Jewish people had it easy but after a long time of conflicts that they had to endured that changed my opinion of them as a strong religion that in the hard times they don't change religion.

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  5. No my opinion has changed/altered since our discussion about Judaism & Jewish people. My opinion was that the Jewish people have had a lot of conflicts. That opinion is actually true and has not changed. I didn't know that the Roman people tortured the Jewish people by changing the name of Israel to Palestine. I also did know that Jewish people were thrown out of Israel. Another Opinion I had was the the Jewish people were weak this discussion has changed my opinion on that because I wouldn't have that a religion would stay strong and regain power in Jerusalem after being kicked out.

  6. Judaism and Jewish people hasn't been a subject that i have talked about much nor have I ever really had an opinion. I also wasn't in class for the discussion but i would say that I learned more than i knew about the whole subject. I was even wrong about some things that I learned. The Jewish people were a lot stronger than i thought. They fought and regained power even after they were kicked out! In my opinion, I thought that it was weird how the Jewish could believe that Jesus hasn't already been sent once. They think that it has yet to come. I thought that some of the traditions that the Jewish people were accustomed to were very unnecessary but now i understand why they did/do.

  7. My opinion of Jews and Judaism was always that Jews have had it rough for many years back. I always only thought about Jews, but not their actual religion of Judaism. I now know many interesting things about them.

  8. I already knew that the Jews had been persecuted many times throughout history. However, I was unaware that the Romans had treated them so badly because of their faith. The Romans did all the could to not only drive out the Jews from Israel, but make them feel as if they had no home. To do this, the Romans renamed Israel to Palestine. They also destroyed the second temple, which hurt the Jewish community because it was a very religious site. In spite of their losses, the Jews have admirably re-established their community and have not given up their belief in God.

  9. My opinion towards Judasim & Jewish people did not change that much. I did not know much about the religion Judasim but I knew that it was similar to Catholic religion. I did not know that in Judasim they are still waiting for their messiah to come. After our discussions, my thoughts over Jewish people has changed. For example, before I thought that Jewish people were not the type of people that would fight against others. Yet, I learned that they did fight for their beliefs and their rightful land.

  10. Well I always knew that Jewish followers were persecuted thought out history. But our latest discussion taught me that they had it way harder then I thought. They were killed for what they believed in and, they thought it was the ultimate sacrifice to lay down their life for God. But form our discussions I had a well idea of Jewish religion, and its very interesting learning new things and events.

  11. Before discussing the Jewish people and their region and beliefs/ faith, I never really had an opinion about them. All I knew of them was that they were the focus target group of the Holocaust. Aside from that, I just thought they were people who belonged to a religion (Judaism) just like many other people who belong to any other religion. But, after learning about all the hardships they had to go through - essentially getting "kicked out" of their homeland by the Romans, acts of persecution, etc. - I can't help but feel that the Jewish people are strong because of all they had to endure. And all just because of their beliefs and faith. As of now my thoughts about the Jewish and Judaism have somewhat changed. To me they are people who have fought to redeem themselves and what belongs to them. And that is a good thing.

  12. Like many others, i really haven't had an opinion about Judaism or Jewish people although i did learn many facts about them. Before this discussion i had only studied what happened to them during the Holocaust. Now that i know more about their background i think that they are very, very brave. First they had to go through all the conquering and who knows what else, and then they had the respects for these people.

  13. Before discussing Judaism and Jewish people, my only opinion about them was that they had experienced the horrible tragedy of the Holocaust. However, after learning about the hardships they've experienced over the years, such as being forced to leave their homeland by the Romans, being conquered so many times by various groups, and having their sacred religious sites like the second temple destroyed, I feel that the Jewish people are an extremely strong group of people to go through all that for their beliefs. I have a newfound respect for them. Throughout all the persecution they endured, they fought for their beliefs and in many cases even died for them. The Jewish people are a very courageous group.

  14. I never really had an opinion on Judaism and Jewish people to begin with. I didn't know that Jews were on a holiday and therefore couldn't crucify Jesus so they made the Romans do it. Also I didn't know that the Romans had tortured the Jews or the fact that they had changed the name from Israel to Palestine. If I would have had an opinion before it might have been Jewish people were weak and looked down upon. Now I would say Jews were not exactly weak nor strong they just considered themselves "God's Chosen People" making Gentiles angry at them.

  15. I can't say that I have ever been interested in the topic of Judaism or the Jewish people. I mean I knew that the Jewish race had been through many hardship, however, I don't think that I had enough information about either of them to form an opinion on the two topics. The only opinion that I can say that has changed is that before, I didn't really care about the two and didn't feel there was a need to find out more about them. Since we have discussed topics such as the obstacles that Jews had to face and topics about Judaism, I now want to learn more.

  16. I'm not gonna lie I did not know much about the Jewish people or Judaism before this week that we talked about them. All I knew was that they read from the Torah, had bar mitzvahs, and wore a yamika when they read from the Torah. I didn't know that they didn't believe in god or that they were conquered over and over throughout history. Also I knew that the Romans killed Jesus but I didn't know they were the ones who killed him just because the Jews were on Holiday. I noticed that many people didn't like the Jews because not only did they ridicule them and kick them off their own land but the Romans gave the Jew's land to their enemies, the Palestinians, to rename it after themselves. The Jews also tried differentiating themselves from everybody else, which we are called Gentiles. All I can say is that even though they call themselves "God's Chosen People" they had the toughest time in history.

  17. Well like a lot of other people that have already commented, I also knew a little about the long history of the persecution of the Jews. As far as the Jewish religion, I didn't really have an opinion one way or the other, because I respect everyone and and their beliefs, and I don't make judgements because of them. I would like to say that Hugo's last comment isn't completely correct, because Jewish people DO believe in God.

  18. My opinion over Judaism and Jewish people has not changed at all. I did however learn more then I already knew. My opinion was that Jews have been persecuted throughout history and that’s about it. Since our discussion about this I have learned about things that I did not even know about such as how the Romans treated the Jews badly because of their religion.

  19. My opinion over Judaism as a whole has not necessarily changed, although I now understand why they participate in the practices that set them apart from the gentiles. Although I have found a higher respect for them due to their dedication to their religion, I also think that the Jewish people used to look down upon others, which has brought them to their downfall multiple times.

  20. KEYLI!!! -- Well I agree with you because I never really thought about Judaism either. I agree with your 10 word post. :) Try to make your post a little longer next time because I'd love to hear what you have to say.

  21. Rosie, I too did not know that the Jewish people didn't kill Jesus because they were on a holiday. It kind of shows that they made no exceptions for anyone, including a proclaimed Messiah, when it came to holding to their beliefs.

  22. Madi, I agree with your opinion about being interested in the Jews and the Judaism religion. I felt before that it would be useless knowledge or not very applicable to everyday life so I wasn't as interested as I am now. After learning about them, I agree with you on the things you have learned because I have learned those new things as well.

  23. Previous to studying and learning about Judaism in World History class, I knew very little about the religion and its concepts. I understood that their beliefs were significantly different from that of Christianity because Jews do not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and I knew that they practiced traditions that supported their beliefs such as circumcision, certain food restrictions, and holidays. However, gaining the knowledge about how the Jewish religion came about with Abraham and his Covenant with God, all of these ideas started to make a little more sense. It was easier to understand that there were specific reasons they had for sticking to their customs, and like all other religions they believed strongly in their morals because that is what they were taught. I can also better understand as to why Jews have been persecuted throughout history just because other groups do not agree with their faith.

  24. Before i always thought of the Jewish people as always being the victims, because of my previous knowledge of the Holocaust and the awful treatment of the Jews by the Nazi's under Hitler. After learning more about Judaism and how it came about my opinion somewhat changed. I learned that the Jews in a way thought of themselves to be superior because they were "Gods Chosen People".

  25. Sam, I agree with you and I now have a higher respect for them as well. Because the Jews are so dedicated to their religion, they have been conquered over and over by other countries. But, by not giving up they now control half of Jerusalem again. I think your point was very good, and I fully agree.

  26. Sam, I agree with your statement that the Jewish people looked down upon others, which led to their downfall on several occasions. It's kind of like a repeating process for them; they'd be really righteous for a while, forget their God, and then they would be conquered by their enemies. It's part of how they are known as the "conquered people."

  27. Before i always thought of the Jewish people as always being the victims, because of my previous knowledge of the Holocaust and the awful treatment of the Jews by the Nazi's under Hitler. After learning more about Judaism and how it came about my opinion somewhat changed. I learned that the Jews in a way thought of themselves to be superior because they were "Gods Chosen People".

  28. Madi, I really wasn't interested in learning about Judaism either. I didn't really have an opinion, except that they didn't deserve what happened to them in the Holocaust. However, learning about all the hardships they've been through and their way of life, I would like to learn more about them, too. Good job.

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  30. Sally,
    I was also wrong about some of the things I learned. I thought that the Jews had always had control over Jerusalem, but it turns out that they've even been kicked out of Jerusalem at one point. I also agree with you, and everyone else for the most part, that the Jewish people are strong for regaining control over Jerusalem.

    The Jews seemed like victims to me too, especially since we have already learned so much about the Holocaust. But, as you said, they get along by believing that they are "God's Chosen People". It might be because of this that they continue to keep their religion alive and keep their faith through all their hardships.

  31. Kelli B,
    I have to agree with you that they are an extremely courageous group of people for enduring all the hardships that had happened to them throughout history. Also you're right that none of them deserved any of the treatment they were given just for believing in their own religion. Good Job.

    Deep Desai,
    I have to agree with you when you say that the Jews have had a lot of conflicts. Also I didn't know that they didn't have control of Jerusalem either and that it was given to their enemies to rename it Palestine. I knew that they had endured the Holocaust but I wasn't aware of all these other conflicts they endured before the Holocaust even begun. I also agree with you on that I thought the Jews were weak before this week going over it in class. Good job.

  32. Hugo,
    I agree with much of what you said besides the statement concerning Jews not believing in God. Jews do believe in God its Jesus that they don't worship. I was also very surprised to learn that the reason the Romans killed the Jesus Christ was because the Jews were on a holiday. I too will say that the Jewish people have definitely experienced some of the most difficult periods of history.

    I can relate to what you have to say about wanting to learn more. Its very interesting to think about how despite the differences that make the several Christian religions in the World, it can all be traced back to Abrahams covenant with God because Jesus, the creator of Christianity, was a Jew himself.

  33. Hugo, i agree with you...i did not know that the romans killed jesus just because the jews were on Holiday. I wonder if they weren't on holiday, would they have been the ones to kill Jesus??

  34. Olivia, on Hugos comment...i was a little confused with "Jews do believe in God its Jesus that they don't worship" but i think i understand now...The God for them is Jehovah, soo thats who they worship. I understand now!

  35. Rosie,
    Like yourself, I never really had an opinion about the Jewish people or their religion either. I also didn't know that the Romans only crucified Jesus because the Jews were on Holiday and couldn't do it themselves. I don't necessarily agree with you on the part where, if you had formed an opinion before, it would have been that Jews were weak. To me they are strong because of all they've been through.

    Similar to you, I never formed an opinion about the Jewish people prior to our discussions. Also like you, most of my knowledge of the Jewish people derived from what I learned about the Holocaust. I also agree that the Jews are very brave for all they've gone through.

  36. Jessica..
    I like that fact that you do not judge people because of their religion, but I know that you do have a thing to say about the Jewish people. You should try to say at least one thing about it.

    I agree with you that they did had hardships. I also liked that you said how you felt about the Jews being persecuted. Like you, I also think that the Jews are strong people for fighting for what they want and believe in.

  37. Sam.
    I just wanted to say that I although I agree with most of your comment, I don't really think that they're to blame for all of the hardships they've gone through over time-despite their belief that they are "the chosen people."

    As i mentioned earlier, the Jewish people do believe in and worship God, they just don't acknowledge Jesus as the Mesiah. Otherwise good job on your comment.

  38. Sam- I agree with you when you stated that the Jews looked down on others because they were "God's Chosen People." Its kinda like they were "cocky" and thought they were all that and people don'e generally like that so that might have lead to their downfall.

    Hugo- The Jewish do believe in God, they don't consider Jesus to be the Messiah. I also didn't know that the Romans killed Jesus because the Jews were on holiday. Good info though.

  39. Well to be quite honest, my opinion of Jewish people was not very vast and detailed. I thought they were people, just like all of us. I knew about their tragedies, the Holocaust and war that has transcended centuries. What I had never realized that most of the wars and problems with Palestine and Jerusalem were because of an argument over a holy …spot. It blew my mind that people that are historically known to be very religious, what with the menorahs’ and dedication * cough * circumcising * cough *, could also be very stubborn an unrelenting in something as unholy as war. Yet, in keeping with the honest approach I must say that I am a bit biased when it comes to war. In my eyes I see war as psychopathic leaders in search of glory, land, honor, and money. That being said I admire their dedication to their religion and their beliefs. If you really think about it, any religion that can withstand something as terrible as a Holocaust is something to respect. I think that after our class discussions and Mr. Bell’s discourse I have learned more than I ever thought I could learn about a religion in a 11th grade World History class.

  40. Sam- My opinion over Judaism hasn't changed a whole lot either. I also understand what they did to set themselves apart for the gentiles. I also understand now why the Jewish people were harassed so much. Good Job.

    Alex- I didn't know about ALL of the persecutions but I did know some of the few. I also learned that the Jewish people had many more hardships then what I thought.I also agree they were killed for what they believed in. Good Job

  41. Stefani- I like the fact that you ended with a very cool kinda Martha Stewart vibe “ it’s a good thing”. Yet, moving on to the nitty gritty of your article, I think that not only did they do it all for their religion. I think that in fact their religion and beliefs empowered them and gave them faith that they needed to carry on. But, yes I do agree they are fighters, and there are still struggling to get what they believe is rightfully theirs. Great job Pez. :]

  42. Irma-- I agree with what u said about how u have more of a respect for the Jewish population, after learning more about their customs and values I do too, before I thought that their struggles began with the Holocaust but now know that they have been defending their religion for much longer then that.

    Sally-- I agree with what you said about it being weird that the Jewish people dont believe that Jesus or the Messiah has yet to come, because being a Catholic we believe differently

  43. Teresita- I must say that I applaud your blatant honesty, it is not something you see in society today. I also agree that I never knew that the Romans had been so cruel to the Jewish people. Yet, I think that if you learned something through the course of this discussion, it means that you have at least a better view of there situation and in fact your opinion might have indeed changed.

  44. Before we started talking over Jewish people, I only knew certain things. I did know that the Jewish people had gone through harsh times and that they had been persecuted throughout the years. But, I did not know that the Romans were so ruthless that they changed the Jews' city to Palestine.also, an interesting that caught my attention, was that the Jews were the ones that wanted Jesus dead and Romans had to do there work because they were on Holiday.

  45. Katherine- I read your opinion it was quite interesting. I like how you thought that any religion that went through hard times should have respect. I do somewhat agree with you on that. I, however, do not like that you put in those coughs with the word circumcision in the middle of the coughs it was not very professional. Overall I think that you stated your opinion well. Good job Katie Ann!

  46. Jessica- I like your opinion on not having an opinion. It was short and to the point. It was nice how you corrected Hugos mistake. Great Job Jess!

  47. Hugo-I agree with you Hugo, I knew that the Romans had killed Jesus, but I didn't know that the Jews were the ones that wanted Jesus dead.

    Deep-I read your opinion Deep, and a lot of what you said caught my attention. I also didn't know that the Romans had changed the Jewish people Holy city, Israel, to Palestine. I had an idea that the Jewish were severely punished throughout many years, like the Holocaust for example, but after seeing what they have gone through, It's amazing that they still are holding strong and believing in their faith.

  48. Kelli - Going into this week I was the same way. I really didn't have an opinion on the Jewish people as a whole, except for sympathy because of the holocaust. I also have a newfound respect for the Jewish people because of all of the past hardships that they have endured. It takes a very strong-willed group of people to be that dedicated to their religion.

    Rosie - I didn't have an opinion at the beginning of the week either, but now I respect the Jewish people. Although they did bring much of their own suffering upon themselves, they are still admirable.

  49. Zulema! Well i would say i agree with you because i also considered Jews to be the victims too because throughout history they have been mistreated and we have studied the way that they had to go through some horrible things. Just like you, I didn't know they considered themselves "God's Chosen People"

  50. Carlos..
    I didn't have an opinion over Judaism and Jewish people either. I also learned sort of the opposite of what I thought I already knew. You learned they had a tougher life and in a way I had already learned that to an extent. I knew they didn't have it easy because of how they were treated during the Holocaust, what I learned was that Hitler wasn't the only one who treated them badly.

    Now I see the Jews are strong, but before this weeks discussion I had viewed them as weak. I actually didn't event know the Jews had anything to do with the crucifying of Jesus much less that the Romans did it themselves.

  51. Franklin,

    Yea the Romans were very ruthless i agree with you. That also the Romans changed the Jews homeland to Palestine, which was the hardest thing that the Jewish people had to accept. Then killing Christ and handing him over to the Romans which really shocked me too.


    Yea i agree Deep i also had no idea that the Romans were so ruthless the Judaism religion. That the Romans would go to great lengths to harm and break down the jewish religion. But they stayed strong and is still strong today. Which is very impressive, for what they been though.


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