Monday, February 21, 2011

Favorite Ice Cream

What is your favorite ice cream and why!


  1. My favorite ice cream is the ice cream from Mexico, in particular the coffee and nut flavored one. I love this ice cream because it doesn't have artificial flavor and it is delicious...This just made me want to go get one!

  2. My favorite ice cream is HOME MADE VANILLA ICE CREAM...because it's awesome and tastes delicious!!!!!! and its not good for your health which makes it all better!

  3. Well my favorite is the classic ..with a twist. Yes, ladies and gentlemen I'm talking about chocolate...and peanut butter. This creamy gift from the heavens is the perfect treat for any occasion. Eat it after a break-up, at Christmas, shoot why not Hanukkah? This is the single greatest inventions in the history of ice cream. It is the perfect combination of indulgences. If you are out there in the cold cruel world looking ..for a ice cream to make your life complete. This is it.

    but ..homemade ice cream is totally bomb Sally not going to lie.

    Try this ice cream you guys, your taste buds will thank you.

    That is all.

  4. My favorite ice cream would probably have to be Ben and Jerry's cherry garcia. It tastes like awesome sauce with a side of mind-blowing fries. I like the chocolatey stuff mixed with the strawberry, it makes it the epitome of ice cream.

  5. My favorite ice cream would have to be pistachio. It's my favorite because its sweet and crunchy. I think I also like it very much because it is green. That is why my favorite ice cream is pistachio.

  6. My favorite kind of Ice Cream is Cookies and Cream. It's my favorite because it has cookies and I like cookies. The way it is textured and how there are so many companies that make that kind of Ice Cream so if I don't have that much money on me I can get the cheaper brand and still have the same flavor satisfaction.

  7. Kelli B- That is an awesome tasting Ice Cream. I've only tasted it twice though, but yeah I never described it like that though.

    Diana- Pistachio is plain out awesome, and so is Ice Cream. Combining them both is just an awe inspiring moment. Yeah the sweetness of the Ice Cream and the crunchiness of the Pistachios=amazing.

  8. Katherin, I like your post very discriptive...haha but why would someone look for ice cream in a cold world? jk I would...acutally I have :) I kindda want to try that ice cream with penut butter now.

  9. Carlos,

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  11. My favorite ice cream is my mom's homemade vanilla ice cream. It's legit. Also, she makes this stuff called goop, which has to be one of the most unhealthiest, chocolaty, sugary, "made from Heaven" syrup ever known to man. Put the two together; basically perfection. I like it because it's simple and it's just that good.

  12. Diana,
    I have never tried that kind of ice cream. Maybe next time I go over to your house we can eat some! Snooki likes pistachios, I saw it on tv. Just saying.

    I think everyone likes Cookies and Cream ice cream. Sometimes I wonder why we didn't think of creating that. Delicious.

  13. My favorite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia Ice Cream. I like the texture of the cherries and the crunchy and sweetness of the Chocolate. It is placed in a cherry flavored ice cream.

    Kelli- I like Cherry Garcia too. I don't really know if it is in Strawberry Ice Cream I believe it is in a Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream.

    Diana- i like Pistachio too. I like the texture and the color. It is very epic. I like Pistachios in general so I like the sweetness and crunchiness.

  14. My favorite ice cream is the rainbow one you used to get at TCBY when it was in our subway. I like it cause it was cool looking and pretty and made your tongue change colors!

  15. Madi-
    Your post made my mouth water! That does sound super good. We should just have a day where we just eat all these types of ice cream! I say you tell Mama Mckeone to make some ice cream for me. :)

    I think I have tried that type of ice cream before. I think the ice cream from Mexico is delicious! There are some like really good ones that I always get in the Princessa Michoacan or something like that. The store has very good flavors.

  16. Diana- Pistachio is one of my favorites too, its a pretty color and yummy. Sometimes though its kinda hard for me to eat it cause i cant bite into cold stuff so i have to wait until the ice cream melts in my mouth before i can eat the pistachios.

    Carlos- Cookies and Cream is a classic and really good, again its up there in my favorites.

  17. Ok first of all, id like to say ya'll should thank me for giving Mr. Bell this idea!!! Second, i dont have a second. But i love ice cream!!! My fav. prob has to be that pure, creamy, vanilla ice cream. Its just sooooo good. Either that one or Chocolate Chip cookie dough!!! Ice cream is legit, and always be legit. Even if its unhealthy. Its the best thing ever :) So many childhood memories am i right!? Of course im right, i always am :)

    Madi- I think we tried that chocolate goop thing wat ever at food fest a couple of times. I only got a bit cz T-mac would hog it all :(

    Zuey- Dude rainbow colored ice cream!? Uhhh gross. Hahaha thats cool though, i mean its aiight. But i like my ice cream a bit more plain and not all hardcore with that rainbow thing going on.

  18. I really like cookie dough blizzards but my favorite type of ice cream is in the form of shake. Specifically strawberry banana. They're really good, which is why I like them. (:

    You're wrong. Your post makes no sense and I think you need to check your facts again. Don't make me throw my computer at you...

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I like how you include Hanukah on the list of occasions to eat this ice cream. I can tell that a lot of thought and hard work went into your post. Good job. :)

  19. Jessica- Cookie dough is pretty legit. Cookie dough is a great and wonderful. Like perfection without the hassle of actually cooking.

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  21. Madi,
    I totally agree with you! Home made ice cream is the best!

    That is extremely gross!! Personally, I don't like pistachios or whatever they are called..but ya thats nasty..but its hard feelings :)

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  23. My favorite ice cream is the one they sell at Mexico. My favorite flavor is pistachio. I like the Mexico ice cream because it actually tastes like ice cream without the artificial flavors.

  24. Dear Jessica,
    I think you're wrong! You are just jealous because pistachio ice cream does not like you. My post does make sense by the way because the ice cream is creamy and pistachios are crunchy. You need to check your facts sista! Go ahead and throw it at me PISTACHIO ICE CREAM IS DELICIOUS!

  25. I'm going to take a different approach to this topic and say that my favorite icecream is icecream cake :). Teehee. Any kind is fine. Just as long at it's icecream + cake = yummy.

  26. I do not have a favorite ice cream. I do not prefer ice cream, I prefer popsicles. Ice cream is soft and just not my cup of tea.

  27. Teresita- You fail as an American. Kelli B. Should eat your soul off. .....well popsicles are ok...but its not "my cup of tea"

  28. My favorite ice cream, for the THIRD TIME on this blog, is chocolate cake batter ice cream. I like cake batter, I like chocolate, and I like ice cream. It's as perfect as it gets.

  29. Katherine- You like chocolate? Gross to the nast... but I did like how original your post was nice job!

    Stefani- I don't think that answer is legit. Ice cream cake is not an ice cream flavor. Nice try at trying to explain your answer though!

  30. Not only do you have several misspellings in your last post, but you continually post false information. Also; in your first post, you stated that you like pistachio ice cream because it's green. It's inappropriate to base you preference of ice cream based on color.

  31. My favorite kind of ice cream is a Reece's and Butterfinger blizzard from DQ. This is my favorite because it's my two favorite candy bars in one. I love getting a surprise bite and tasting the peanut butter... mmmmmhmmm. delicious.

    Madi- Your choice is honestly my second favorite ice cream. I love the goop that your mom makes, it's pretty much the best thing EVER.

    Carlos-- I love cookies and cream too! It's so yummy, delicious.

  32. OMG! My favorite ice cream is CHOCOLATE CHIP. It is so awesome, it deserves to be capitalized. It's just so delicious how you can taste and feel the tiny crunch when you chomp on the bits of chocolate chip. The way it sends a chill down my spine makes me feel like I'm in heaven. I like drowning the CHOCOLATE CHIP ice cream in refrigerated Nesquik chocolate syrup. It is just so amazing. So yea...that's my favorite ice cream :)

  33. Although I do not support ice cream discrimination, my treat of preference is mint chip. What other ice cream tastes good, AND gives you awesome breath at the same time? The perfect balance between mint and ice cream is enough to die for. Combined with the classic waffle cone, this ice cream can perform great things. Terrible, but GREAT.

  34. Kelli,
    I appreciate your liking for ben and jerry's. However, that whole cherry business I'm not as fond of.

    Who paid you to put that? Pistachio ice cream is equivalent to pigeon doo doo.

  35. Dear Olivia,
    Your just a hater like everyone else! (cough,cough..jessica..cough) Pistachio ice cream is good, end of story no end of blog. >:/

  36. Irma,
    I think you are right. The ice cream at Mexico is better. I also like it better and it's my favorite.

    I have to disagree. In my opinion chocolate in general is nasty with a few exceptions, and if combined with peanut butter its even more nasty.

  37. Sergio-- You can never go wrong with plain vanilla. It is in essence, the basis of all ice cream varieties. Without vanilla, there would be no other ice cream.

    Keyli-- I can tell from reading your post that you like chocolate. Chocolate is good. I like chocolate. Me gusta chocolate.

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  39. My ice cream preference changes from day to day, but I would have to say that my FAVORITE favorite is a cookie dough blizzard. Cookie dough is great because its like an extremely chewy cookie in little bite-size pieces. Normally, cookie dough is the only part i look forward to when i make cookies at home. Now, Dairy Queen combined this with another one of earth's greatest foods: ice cream. This creation is one of the most heavenly foods that man could ever create.

  40. Well I see that there has been many different kinds of Ice Creams that have been put up but I believe that I am going to have to say that my favorite kind of ice cream would be SUNDAY! It was just one of the first ice creams that I ever had so it is my favorite.

  41. Sally,
    I thought ice cream was good for your health. Everything I know is a lie! Homemade ice cream is the bomb cause it was made personally not by some strangers who make it behind a counter. Who knows what they put in that kind of ice cream.

    I too do not want to completely partake in ice cream discrimination but we have to in this case. Also mint chip is my second favorite and is still extremely delicious.

  42. My favorite Ice Cream would be my Dad's Home Made Ice Cream, its really good and pretty easy to make. Its also really sweet and very soft.

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  44. Before I began, I want to thank Sergio for giving Mr. Bell this idea. Now then, I will have to say that my FAVORITE ice cream would have to be VANILLA. Vanilla by far is the best, and well, is just the best...period. <-- Anyways, vanilla will always be second to none!!

    Sergio- Sergio, I must agree, Vanilla is just plain legit, actually legit was created to describe vanilla. Best ice cream flavor EVER.

    Madi- Madi, you really must bring that homemade vanilla ice cream to our class!!! ANNDD that goop thingy. Nothing better to start off a season then eating the "unhealthiest" chocolate in the world!!


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