Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Luther & his ideas

First, would have you been willing to have the Holy Roman Emperor cut off your head rather than give up your personal beliefs about your own faith? Explain your answer. (Remember, you are a noble, and have a lot of land and money to lose).  Second, if you didn't believe in Luther's ideas, would you still be willing to use those ideas as a leverage against the Holy Roman Emperor and compromise your own faith?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Medieval Man vs. Renaissance Man

Is it more effective to focus on how society could or should be (as proposed and written by the Medieval Scholars & Christian Humanists), or to concentrate on how life really is (as proposed and written by the Humanists of the Renaissance)?  Where would you place today's view of humanity?

Friday, November 5, 2010

To Be Feared or Loved?

If you were to be the ruler of a principality, would you rather have your subjects fear you, or love you?  You may not sit the fence on this, pick a side and explain your position.